Chapter 6: Worrying?

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I saw the teacher scribbling some writing on the board as I yawned. Yesterday, after how Tyran talked to me at lunch time, I just couldn't understand what was going on in his head. I mean,  every time when ever  I mention something to him  about his fan girls, he would get mad? Which did not make any sense.

The bell rang and I got out of the class and went near the locker where Ell was waiting for me. I smiled at her and began to open my locker.

"Okay girl, spit it out! You have been deep in thoughts since yesterday," she said.

I sighed as I looked at her. "How much do you know about that Tyran guy?" I asked her as she raised her brow, confusingly. "I mean, yesterday at lunch time, he was bugging me and when I started to talk about his fan girls, he got all mad and just left. I just don't get him."

"Well, what did you tell him?" she asked.

"We were sort of arguing about how he should pay for his own lunch than eating mine and he told me that he forgot his lunch money at home so I just told him that he could ask one of his fan girls for money instead of bothering me. So, he got mad and left the cafeteria. I don't understand why though. It is just that whenever I mention how much of a play boy he is or how much of a flirt he is, he just gets mad . .."

Ell sighed. "Poor boy," she muttered.


"Nothing," she said. "I think everything is fine with Tyran, Ari. Just don't mention about his fan girls to him and he wouldn't get mad. I mean, he will still be a jerk to you but it is better than having him mad at you, right?"

"Actually, you are right. I would rather have him bully me than to have him get angry . . ." before I could finish my sentence, a book got thrown to my direction and before it could hurt anybody, I grabbed the book.


I heard somebody clapping and turned to my side and saw Tyran.

"Nice catch, old lady," he smirked. "That is my math textbook by the way. Make sure to do my homework and bring it to me at the lunch time! See ya!" he said and left.

I starred at him in shock and Ell burst into laugh.

"Ell, it is not funny! I was worrying my butt off and here he is, back to his normal self and with a motto to bully me!" I said.

Ell looked at me, still smiling. "Sorry, girl," she laughed again. "I just think it is hilarious that he always picks on you. I have never seen him having so much fun bullying somebody else, well, you are his first target for getting bullying anyway, so not that it matters."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Why can't he just do his freaking homework!? And why me? Why do I have do his work?" I sighed as I put his book in my bag.

Ell just smile and grabbed my arm. "Come, let me show you something," she said pulling me away from my locker towards the second floor stair case to the gym.

"Where are we going?"

"Just come!"

After a while, we reached to the second floor. Ell opened the gym door of the second floor which lead to a huge gym. There were a lots of boys, playing a match in basket ball. And there was Tyran dressed up with his gym outfit which was sleeveless t-shirt and a three quarter pant, playing basketball.

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