Chapter 3: The Non-stop Radio

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I sighed as I entered to my second period classroom. I was already late for school and then that stupid Tyran and his fans made me miss my first period class.

I entered my classroom and saw everybody sitting in their seats and a elder man was standing in front of the class with a text book. That man looked at me and smiled. "Hello. I am your English Teacher, Mr. Fred. Nice to meet you. You must be the new transfer student. Please introduce your self to the class."

I nodded as I looked at the class. "Hello everybody! My name is Ariana Starlight. I transferred to this city just yesterday and today is my first day at this school. Nice to meet you and I hope we can be friends."

The class clapped and before Mr. Fred spoke again, I heard the class room door open and a girl rushed into the classroom. I stared at the girl in shock as I knew her from before. She was my closest friend since kindergarten and it has been only a year when she moved into this city. I missed her a lot, but we kept in touch and now that I moved to this city, it was a coincidence that we are in the same school and in the same class.

My friend looked at me as if she was so relaxed to find me in the class and ran to me and hugged me. "ARI!" she laughed, hugging me.

I hugged her back. I missed her. "Ell!"

She pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "Goodness! I missed you so much! I mean, we used to be like BFF and then I had to transfer here and we got separated . . . and . . . I missed you so much, Ari! But, I am so glad that we are in the same class you know and in the same school ..." she continued her babbling as I sighed.

This is one thing about her. Once she opens her mouth to talk, it take a lot of guts to shut that mouth of hers. Specifically, she is a nonstop radio!

"Ahem!" we heard Mr. Fred coughed. "Ms. Pearson, you need to watch that mouth of yours."

"Ops!" Ell giggled out.

"And, Ms. Starlight, Please take a seat. All the seats are assigned but so, I have to find a new seat for you . . ." he muttered as he began to look at all the seat and said, "Ah! There, Ms. Starlight. There is an empty seat in front of Mr. Pearson." I saw him pointing at a seat at the back and I gasped as I saw who he was referring as Mr. Pearson.

Tyran?! WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING HERE! I was annoyed. This guy is with me in English as well?!

Tyran looked at me and I could see an evil smirk on his lips. I sighed.

"Take a seat in front of Mr. Pearson, Ms. Starlight," I heard Mr. Fred said.

Even thought I hated it, but I went near the seat and sat on my seat. Mr. Fred began to start teaching as I took out my notebook and began to scribble down the notes.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my back. I turned around and saw Tyrant.

"Hi!" he whispered.

"What do you want, play boy?" I asked, whispering.

"Play boy? Ouch! That hurts my feelings," he frowned.

"A guy with that much fan girls are nothing but a play boy," I said and before I turned around, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, making me look at him.

"Don't you ever think of me as a play boy, Ms. Ariana Starlight. I have never dated anybody or have any love interest towards any girl," he said.

Even though he was whispering, I could still feel a seriousness in his voice. It was as if he wanted me to know that he doesn't plays, the play boy role. I sniffed as I turned back to my work.

Weirdo! Like, telling me about his reputation will matter to me? It is not like I am going to fall head over heals for him, dummy!

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