Left Out

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She stared out of the bay window in her room. The bay window was one of her favorite parts in the whole lake resort. Grandma and Grandpa Nabriee had given it to her parents and Aunt Analise and Uncle Obi-Wan for their wedding present. Now it was Christmas time and the entire "Line of Yoda" as it was called had been packed up and taken to Naboo for the holiday, except for Count Dooku of course. As Ailsie sat on the window seat watching the snow fall she thought about how much had changed since she had been 4 years old. Now she was 15, had another uncle by marriage, had 2 younger siblings and would soon have another one, 2 little cousins with another one on the way, Ailsie was also pretty sure, 99.999% sure Ahsoka was pregnant. Unfortunately that meant that Ailsie was last when it came to getting taken care of. Even though she was 15 she still needed her father's strong arms, her mother's gentle hands, her aunts' understanding, her uncle's political wisdom, her grandfather's advice and loving nature, and her great grandfather's quiet strength and observation. She also needed Echo, Fives, Cody, and Rex's strong firmness that let her use them as sound boards and a way to get away from her Jedi/royal part of her family. But right now all she wanted was that part of her family. Yes she was thankful for her vode of uncles but she felt that right now she just kept getting dumped on them. All she wanted was to be noticed and be given the loving gentleness that she missed so badly.


Qui-Gon could feel the rolling and conflicting emotions that were coming off of his oldest granddaughter in waves. More likely than not from a lack of sleep and the fact that she continuously putting her emotions on the back burner. He and the others were constantly trying to get her to deal with her emotions a little more. He could hear a knock on Ailsie's door.


"Who is it?"


"Come in."

"Daddy and Mama and Uncle Obi-Wan and Aunt Analise are going through some of the old baby things with the rest of us. They wanted to know if you wanted to join us."

"No thank you Leia, go on and have fun without me


"Leia, I said no."

  "I just want to play with you! You're nothing like everyone says you are! I hate you!" 

She stamped her foot determined to make Ailsie know how she felt and so she threw all her feelings at her before stomping out of the room and slamming the door. 


She staggered back. Gasping, until she slumped against her bed. All she could do was pray that help arrived.

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