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Leia asked Ailsie if they could stop so she could use the fresher. 

"Yeah sure Leia. We'll stop at the one next to the toys and you can go use it while Luke and I look for your presents. Okay?"

Leia just nodded in reply.


I'm finally in the bathroom. I quickly call Papa Qui. 

"Hello, Leia is everything alright."

"Yes, but I have a very important question. I need to know why Ailsie acted the way I did when I threw my ball of hate at her."

"Leia that isn't a question that has a short answer. Where are you at right now?"

"I'm in the fresher."

"Well go back out to your brother and sister. I'll answer your question when you get back this afternoon, okay?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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