Girl Time

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"Hey Mama?" Ailsie asked the next morning.

"Yes Ailsie?" Her mother responded.

"I was wondering if we could have a girls day or something. You know get started on the baking, wrapping presents working on new hair styles, out fits, and fashions for yours, mine, and Aunt Ana's wardrobes."

"Oh Ailsie of course. I've been meaning for you and I and maybe your aunts get together and catch up without Leia and Angel."

"That would be WIZARD!"

"Wait, what's wizard?" Analise and Ahsoka asked as they poked their heads into the kitchen.

"Girl time. Do you want to join us?" Asked Ailsie, a silent pleading was in her eyes. 

"Of course. We can talk about boys, clothes, make up, watch holos, everything!" said Ahsoka excitedly. Analise nodded.


Ailsie was showing, Padme and Analise some sketches for a new tiara. She'd out grown the old one, and they were nice to have for fancy events. Other wise Ailsie was just content with taking two small braids over her head and crossing them over the top as a crown. But Ahsoka needed to know something. Okay, more like wanted, but whatever.

"So, Ailsie, any boys you like?"

"No not really."


"The one time I asked Daddy about boys, well it was why boys were gross and weird, and well..."


"Hey Daddy."

"Hey Kiddo. What's up?"

"Not much, I do have a question though."

"Okay, shoot." Anakin asked as he took a gulp of blue milk. He was in the middle of taking another when Ailsie asked,

"Why are boys so gross and weird?" Anakin spewed blue milk all over the fridge.

"Boys are horrible awful creatures who are driven by hormones. They're pervs. If I ever find one I will kill him with lightsaber, darkside or not. You don't understand what boys are capable of Ailsie..."


"He went on for a whole two hours. Even gave me The Talk!"

"How old were you?"


They all laughed.



So Anakin's rampage is based off of his rampage about boys to Ahsoka (only worse) from KaitiJo's Crossing Battlefields Chapter 6 Interlude-Sisters. The whole spewing milk thing was from when I was 14. And I told my Dad I liked a boy who I'd grown up with, went to youth group with, and was on Dad's boys swim team. Ailsie and Ahsoka's conversation is kind of a mix I had between one of my mentors in youth group (whose really more like an aunt) and my Grandma (Grammy as I call her, and Dad's mom.) I hope you like this. It was kind of hard. I love my Mama but I'm such a Daddy's girl. Daddy's basically like my best friend. I'm apparently a carbon copy of Mama, but I have enough of Daddy in me, not to mention my own personality, and my Irish temper. That she and I clash a lot. Please Review. 



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