Good Morning

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Padme hadn't really left her oldest daughter's room to much. Other than to use the 'fresher. She stayed in Ailsie's room, reading to her, tidying her already tidy room, sewing more clothes for the children's wardrobes, and trying to figure out how much longer Ailsie would need to sleep. She figured this out by trying to remember how many hours of good sleep Ailsie had had. The answer wasn't much. What scared Padme even more though was how still Ailsie lay. She never moved never made a sound over than her extremely soft and gentle breathing. It looked like her daughter was in the healers ward, dead or dying. And of course her white healer robes didn't exactly help. Padme remembered why Ailsie was wearing her healers uniform. 


She had been on duty in the halls of healing the night before. When she hadn't come back to the apartment Anakin had gone to pick her up. Healer Che had met him and head apologized for keeping Ailsie for so long. Apparently they'd lost power in the middle of the night, and the back up generators had failed also. Although there were many patients, and they had 15 reach something called, "The point of crisis" only 2 were about to die due to power failure. Fortunately Ailsie was on duty and was the only healer able to keep both the Knight and the Youngling alive and stable. She had been doing so since midnight. After 1 or 2 hours after sunrise the power came back on. Ailsie was thoroughly exhausted. Che had handed Ailsie the on-call bag that she had packed, and told the extremely tired padawan to go shower, change, and go find something to eat. When Anakin had arrived to pick up Ailsie, she was just getting out of shower. She had been delayed a couple hours due to helping out with a surgery. She'd been braiding her hair and walking by the front entrance when she had seen Anakin, and since she already had her bag she just left with him.


There was a small, barely audible, groan from the bed. Padme looked at Ailsie she was starting to wake up. The teen's eye-lids fluttered.

"Morning Mama."

"Good morning Baby-girl."

"I don't remember what  happened. I don't want to know, so don't say anything. Please?"

"I won't, but are you okay?"

"Don't worry Mama. I'm fine."

"That is so good to hear." Padme said, giving Ailsie a hug.

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