Daddy-Daughter Dates

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Anakin decided that he was going to do something with Ailsie, something that Da had done with Analise. They were called Daddy-Daughter Dates. A day with just him and his oldest daughter. He supposed he could do it with Leia too, but the whole point was to give Ailsie the feeling of being included, as well as reestablishing their relationship, and renewing their bond. He smiled at her when he saw her and Padme come into the kitchen. She was wearing a blue dress with her hair done up with two small braids that criss-crossed over the top center of her head. The one that ended on the right side kept going down into her padawan braid. She were the simple necklace that he and Padme had gotten her for her 15th life-day. It was simple, it was a knot. They were special knots. The people of her planet called them Celtic Knots. The Celtic people were Ailsie's ancestors. Each not had a different meaning. This one was a compass rose sailors knot, it was a Celtic knot of Journey and Return. He and Padme had given it to her for her life-day because that was the day she had been captured, it took her 2 months to figure out how to escape and return to them. Of course the plan hadn't included waking up in the Halls of Healing when she returned, but that's just how it had turned out. It meant a simple promise that no matter where she went that she could always come home, and if she couldn't they would always find her and bring her home. It had been the simplest of promises one that many would probably say that they couldn't always keep, but he knew that they would even if it took a thousand years.


The day was long and sweet and wonderful. She felt as though her relationship and bond with her father had been renewed and refreshed. They had taken the speeder and gone to Theed. They only looked around but that was all they needed. Was to walk and talk and not be surrounded by family. She looked at her father and then at the necklace that he and her mother had given her for her 15th life-day.

"Daddy?" she asked quietly.

"What is it honey?"

"Did you mean what you said when you gave me my necklace?"

"Ailsie," he started to speak, Worried that she thought that they wouldn't come for her or that they wouldn't care, but he quickly changed his mind when he saw that all she wanted was a gentle reassurance. Like when she was little and wanted to know that he wouldn't leave her side when she was little and was sick, that he would be there when she awoke. "Ailsie, you have Celtic blood in you. You know what the different knots mean. Tell me what that one means."

"It's a compass rose sailor knot."

"Yes, that's the time of knot, but what does it mean?"

"It's the Celtic Knot of Journey and Return."

"Yes, the Celtic people are your people. What did your people believe about the knot in ancient times?"

"Well, it's a sailor's knot. The Celtic sailors would weave the ropes into intricate knots to represent their families and how much love the sailors and their families loved each over."

"You're right. Now your's is a compass rose sailor knot, so what does that mean?" 

"The knot represents a compass and so the sailors used to remind them of navigation?"

"Uh-huh, now tell me what the 'Journey and Return' part means."

"To go somewhere, even if you're leaving you do some kind of form of navigating, and when you're returning navigate your way back to where you started."

"Ailsie, we gave you that knot because we wanted you to know that no matter what we love you, we're your family and that's never going to change. We want you to know that no matter what you can find your way back home to us, we're your family and we want you. No matter where you go or how you get there, when you're ready to come back you always can."

"But what if I can't?"

"Then we'll find you and bring you home."

"Even if it takes you a thousand, million, trillion years?"

"Even if it takes us that much time and longer, no matter what we'll get you home."

"I love Daddy, from the center most part of the inner rim to the farthest reaches of the unknown regions a thousand, million, trillion times."

"I love you Ailsie, all that and more."


They sat before the fire place now. There was a fire and it was roaring but they weren't paying attention to the flames. They had started a Christmas Holovid after dinner, and both were now fast asleep. Padme smiled as she covered them up with a quilt. 'Thank you God for helping Ani bring back a little bit of our daughter.'


AN: My father and I are super closer so this chapter was a BLAST to write! It was also really fun to incorporate a necklace with this Celtic Knot on it and to have a character whose Celtic, especially since I too have a necklace with this knot on ...

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AN: My father and I are super closer so this chapter was a BLAST to write! It was also really fun to incorporate a necklace with this Celtic Knot on it and to have a character whose Celtic, especially since I too have a necklace with this knot on it for the charm and also have a Celtic history on both sides of my family. Please review, criticism is always helpful since it helps me write better; and praise is also wanted and occasionally needed. As I get further into writing this story, and who knows maybe it'll turn out to be a series, I'll begin to tell you of my connection with Ailsie. Before anyone asks, no I'm not 15, and you guys and gals should go check out KatiJo on FanFiction; it'll really help clear some things up within my own writing. I promise we'll also see more major characters from LucasFilms as we move on as well as some of the OCCs from KatiJo and myself. We'll also see some of her and my OCs. I'm sorry if anyone hates OCCs. Questions are also welcome, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. 

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