A Family Meeting

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She stared at her oldest daughter from her seat next to Ailsie's bed. Ailsie had always been strong but always seemed so weak and scared that it had scared Padme. Ailsie also always seemed to be the target when it came to getting sick or hurt. Like Padme's sister-in-law, Analise, Ailsie was and Earthling. It had taken both Analise and Ailsie a while to get used to this new galaxy. But they were both very strong now and could fight anything, but it still scared their family. She heard foot steps and looked up. It was Ani.

"Did Father Jinn tell you what happened? Did he figure out what was wrong?"

"He did and he told me. We both agreed that we need to sit down with you and the twins, and talk."

"Where is he?" 

"He's in the living room with the twins waiting for us." Padme nodded, and then looked at Ailsie.

"I feel awful leaving her here."

"You'll be right back with her in a minute. Besides Da assured me that she's just sleeping. She'll probably be asleep for a while but she's been though quite and ordeal." 

"Father Jinn is usually right any ways."


He and Padme walked into the living room. He saw the twins coming and knelt down so that when the hugged him, he could hug them back.

 He saw the twins coming and knelt down so that when the hugged him, he could hug them back

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"Children," Padme said, her voice was strict. "Go find chairs to sit in. We have something very important to discuss." The twins jumped into a large arm chair that Da usually sat in but right now he was on the couch. Padme and Anakin went over to join him.

"Do you to know and understand what happened this morning?" asked Da.

"To Ailsie?" Luke asked as if to clarify.

"Yes to Ailsie." Padme answered. Anakin noticed she said it in a reserved tone as if to detach herself from the punishment Leia might receive.

"Is Ailsie okay?" Asked Luke worriedly. "Is she going to die?"

"Oh buddy," Anakin said shocked that his son had felt that way and that they hadn't cleared that up earlier. "Ailsie is going to be okay, she just got a special kind of hurt that made her sick this morning."

"Is she going to be hurt for long?"

"It'll take time for her to get better."

"Why is she asleep?" Leia finally asked quietly and curiously.

"Ailsie's been hurt for a very long time, Leia." answered Da. Padme and Anakin both looked at him, great full for him explaining. "That injury kept getting worse and worse and it's been making her sick because of how long she's been hiding it."

"Then how come the healers didn't find last time Ailsie was hurt or sick?" Asked Luke.

"Well Luke," Da said, "it was an inside hurt that could only be sensed with the Force and only if Ailsie wanted somebody to."

"So why do we only know now?" Leia asked.

"Well Leia," It was his turn to be a father now. "That's why we wanted to talk to you. You know how when we talked about how Ailsie kept getting worse?"


"Well it was the whole family and Ailsie's very special and very big responsibilities that made her get worse. She has responsibilities that no one should have at her age. Your Mama had those kinds of responsibilities when she was about Ailsie's age too."

"You did Mama?"

"Yes, Luke I did but I had people to help and support me. My family especially supported me. And due to some changes in our family, we haven't been able to do that as well as we need to for Ailsie."

"So what are we going to do?" Asked Leia, hoping to get out of a punishment.

"Hang on Leia." Anakin said. "We'll get to that in a minute, but Leia, I want to know something."

"What Daddy?"

"I want to know if you have any idea about why your sister got very sick and very hurt this morning?"

"I got angry."

"Uh-huh, and Leia honey, what did you do when you were angry."

"I got angry at Ailsie for not being like what every one said she was like and I wanted her to know what I felt like when she said what she said and when she shut me out, and so I hurled my feelings at her."

"It's good to know that Leia, but now we're going to be talking about some changes that we're going to make to help Ailsie get better. Oh, and Leia we'll be continuing this a little more privately latter." Padme said, redirecting the conversation.

"How will we do that with the baby coming?" Asked Luke.

"Well, Daddy will have to be gone more often so that he can go on missions with Ailsie. Do you have some ideas?"

"We could make her feel extra special and extra safe when she's at home."

"That's a good idea bud. Your mama and I actually agree that things are going to have to change with the new baby coming and your sister being sick and hurt she's going to need special attention."

"Ailsie's going to go on less missions. She's going to spend more time at home." said Da. 

"Agree with Qui-Gon, I do." Stated Yoda.

"Great Grand-Da we didn't hear you come in."

"Not meant to be heard, I was. To listen I needed, so understand the situation I could. Continue on, you should." Anakin nodded before speaking.

"What this means is that we need you two to not be selfish, your sister needs our attention and support, she almost died because she didn't get. So between her and the new baby that means that we're going to be having to give them more and more of our special attention. Which means we won't be able to keep as close of an eye on you. So please don't be like Ailsie and come to us if something's bothering you."

"And please don't be mad and don't think that you can go and get into trouble and we won't know. We just need you to be kind, gentle, patient, and understanding with us, Ailsie, and the baby. Do you two understand and think you can do that?" Padme asked. Both Luke and Leia responded with a,

"Yes Mama."

"Good. Thanks you two. Now Leia I think you and I need to have a special talk. Don't you think?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Well then how about we go and get it over with, huh?" He held out his hand and Leia took it. Neither of them were looking forward to this, but it had to be done, and it had to be done out of love.

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