Chapter 7- Theresa

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Arizona and Callie spent that night in each other's arms happy that they would hopefully receive their second chance at trying to foster a child. They both had the day shift tomorrow so they decided they would talk to Theresa then. They couldn't risk Theresa taking Hadley to Portland earlier than planned. It was 7:15 am when their alarm clocks went off.

Beep Beep Beep

"Callie, turn it off." Arizona whined.

Callie hit the phone and the blaring stopped. She jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom deciding to let Arizona sleep through a few more snooze buttons like she usually did. Callie hopped in the shower and when she got out she noticed Arizona was finally out of bed. Callie got dressed and found Arizona making coffee.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead." Callie said wrapping her arms around Arizona's waist and kissing the top of her head.

"Goodmorning." Arizona smiled as turned around from the counter to kiss her wife.

Arizona let go of Callie and went back to her coffee now making Callie a cup.

"Hey, are our old papers in the filing cabinet in your office or mine?" Callie asked.

"I think they are in yo-"

"Nevermind I found them!" 

Callie came back with a manila folder and set it down on the kitchen island. She sat on a stool and opened it. A flood of memories came back. Callie could feel Arizona's hand rubbing her back.

"I can still remember his smile as he played outside in the yard. And how his eyes lit up when you gave him his first birthday cake he had ever gotten." Callie said with a sad smile.

"I wish he was here too."

The pair finished up their morning routines and were out of the house at 8:15 ready to start their 8:45 shifts. In ten minutes they pulled up to the hospital. Both of them changed into their scrubs and headed to Hadley's room.

"Zona! Callie!" Hadley said excitedly as she was sitting up in bed.

"Hey. Someone's looking better!" Callie smiled as she sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Her antibiotics are finally starting to kick in. Plus I think she finally got her first full nights sleep last night." Alex said walking into the room.

"Arizona could I see you outside for a second?" Alex asked motioning towards the hallway.

Arizona followed Alex into the hall.

"Before Theresa left last night she told me she may have to take Hadley to Portland earlier than she thought" Alex spoke quietly.

"How early?" Arizona asked.

"Depends on Hadley but as soon as she could handle the car ride. Theresa is hoping later tonight or tomorrow morning."

Callie could tell something was wrong when she saw Arizona's face fall.

"Hadley, I'll be back in a second okay baby." Callie said getting off the bed.

"What's wrong?" Callie asked.

"Theresa wants to take Hadley to Portland either tonight or tomorrow" Alex said.

Callie immediately had a flashback but shook herself out of it. She grabbed Arizona's arm and led her to a quiet spot in the hallway.

"Arizona we are gonna get her. We are going to bring her home." Callie said wrapping her arms around her wife.

"Calliope. What if she get's taken away from us. I don't think I could handle that a second time." Arizona whispered.

"Hey...look at me." Callie said grabbing Arizona's chin.

"We know Nick is in a better place now. His aunt sent us all those pictures and he looked so happy. He had a family to go to. But Hadley...we are Hadley's family."

Arizona knew Callie was right. She gave Callie a kiss and headed back towards Alex.

"I'll call you both when Theresa gets here."

"Karev." Callie called out.

"Don't worry. I won't say anything until you both are ready to. And just so you both know. I'm happy for you. I'm really happy for you. You both found yourself a great kid." Alex said smiling.

"Thanks, Alex." Arizona said as he sped off.

"Well I have to go tell Hadley I will see her later because my shift started two minutes ago. I love you." Callie said kissing Arizona's temple.

Callie left and Arizona continued on with her day. She tried to occupy herself but somehow found herself looking at the clock every ten minutes just wondering when Theresa would be here. Thankfully she had two surgeries scheduled to occupy her morning.

It was two o'clock when Arizona got out her her back to back surgeries. Her first priority was going to see if Theresa had made an appearance. It just so happened that when the elevator opened for her the woman she was looking for was already inside.

"Hello, Dr. Robbins."

"Hi, Theresa. I assume you are here to check on Hadley."

"You assume correctly. Is she doing any better?"

"We believe the antibiotics are finally starting to kick in, but she will continuously need dialysis."

"I see. Will this impact her early departure?"


"Ah yes. I forgot I told Dr. Karev and not you, but the foster home in Portland would prefer if she could be down there by tomorrow evening. Is it at all possible that she could get released tonight?"

Arizona knew that was coming she had just wished Karev had heard her wrong.

"Umm...Well...Could we talk privately" Arizona asked trying to stall out the last of this torturous elevator ride.

Theresa nodded her head. Arizona took her to the conference room and texted Callie to meet them there.

"Dr. Robbins is there something I should know about Hadley. Is everything alright." Theresa asked confused.

"Everything is fine. I just-"

"Sorry, I'm late." Callie said opening the door.

"Hi I'm Dr. Callie Torres. I'm Arizona's wife." Callie said shaking Theresa's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Please sit down." Arizona said to her.

Callie took Arizona's hand under the table and rubbed her thumb over Arizona's knuckles. Arizona squeezed her hand and looked Callie in the eyes.

Callie took a deep breath and looked back at Theresa.

"Theresa, my wife and I would like to foster Hadley."

Please leave a comment, vote, and follow! I would really like some feedback on the story to let me know what you guys think of it thus far! Let me know if you like the length or if you would prefer longer or shorter chapters. I'm trying to do longer chapters, but fillers are going to be shorter. I hope everyone is enjoying this little family so far!


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