Part 15- Home Part 2

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Arizona's POV:

The days had gone by excruciatingly slow. It felt like I was stuck in a time lapse where everything around me was zipping by but somehow I was stuck in a fixed position. Every day a nurse would come in to check on Hadley. Then Alex. Then Meredith. Then April and Amelia would come to see how she was doing and how we were doing. Occasionally Bailey, Owen or Jackson would too. It was wonderful knowing we had such a great support system, but I just wanted out of this hospital routine. I would go home to sleep, change and shower while Hadley slept. Then Callie would go when I got back. The same routine day in and day out. Callie and I were both drained even though it felt like neither of us had done anything. We both missed work and our patients. At least during Hadley's previous struggles work occupied my brain so I could think about something else. Now all I could think about was how I wanted Hadley to be better. To be healthy again. I just wanted to take my little girl home.

But now finally after 2 long weeks, Hadley could finally come home.

"You excited to go home bug?" Callie asked Hadley as she started to pack up Hadley's belongings in her purse.

"Uh huh." Hadley yawned through a smile

"Someone needs a nap when they get home." I smiled kissing the top of her forehead.

It was a Sunday morning and Hadley hadn't been up for more than two hours but I could see her eyes get closer to closing by the second. She was so excited to leave, but her recovery was still very clearly taking a toll on her small frame. Callie and I could not wait to get her home and feeling like herself again. It was another hour or two later that Alex finally brought us the discharge papers.

"Hey, sorry it took so long." Alex said walking into the room with a folder in his hand.

"We get it Alex. It's okay." Callie responded. She flipped the folder open to quickly scan the document she had seen a thousand times before. Callie signed the papers and handed the pen to me. I did the same and pressed the black ink to the dotted line marking my signature down on the page.

"Well, I gotta go but have fun at home. And...don't take this the wrong way, but I really don't want to see any of your faces in the hospital for a long time." Alex smirked as he walked towards the doorway.

Callie and I both smiled completely agreeing with him. Alex left the room and now we were free to take Hadley home.

I looked at the sleeping girl in front of me. She still looked so tiny in the hospital bed, but she was improving every day. Her pale skin was slowly regaining its pink and the sparkle in her eye came back more and more as she started to feel better. I had to admit she looked adorable when she slept. Her brown hair had been tousled for days so I braided it but it was slowly coming undone. She hated putting pressure on her scar so right now pants were not an option, but she didn't have any dresses either so she has been alternated between wearing Callie's and my's old t-shirts.

I quickly turned back to Callie and asked, "You ready?"

"More than ready." Callie smiled pulling me into her arms and giving me a soft gentle kiss. We pulled away from each other both still smiling. I could feel a sense of relief finally coming to us.

"And someone here is already napping sooo..." she said with a small laugh remembering how Hadley hated napping so much.

" tired" Hadley mumbled slipping quickly out of sleep as she opened her eyes for just a few seconds.

We both grabbed our bags slinging them over our shoulders. I gently picked up the five-year-old and walked out of the room. Hadley unconsciously wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled her face into my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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