Chapter 13- Goodbyes

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Hadley's POV:

"I need you to be really brave and say goodbye to Callie and Arizona for a little bit while we make you better." Meredith smiled while helping me get prepared for surgery.

"Okay..." I whispered.

I clenched my fists together in order to feel something, to take my mind off the emotional pain. Honestly, at this moment I was terrified. I didn't want to leave Arizona and Callie. I didn't want Meredith and Alex to preform the surgery. I just wanted to feel better. I knew looking at Callie and Arizona they could tell I was scared. There faces were bright but a tinge of grey sat behind their eyes. But somehow behind the dark circles under their eyes, the smiles they both had still somehow made their eyes sparkle. Especially when they looked at me. My mind switched back into the real world when I noticed that Meredith had been talking to Arizona, but she was now gone leaving just the three of us.

"Hey come here." Callie said sitting down on the bed pulling and into her arms.

"Arizona and I will be right here when you wake up." She said wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing the top of my head. Her grip was nice and warm a place I didn't want to leave. I buried my head into her chest and tried to escape. I didn't want them to take me. I didn't want to do it!

"...I'm scared." I mumbled

I felt Callie's grasp wrap around me tighter and I felt a third hand rub down my back in soothing circles.

"And you are going to be brave and do so well. Your going to feel a lot better after getting your new kidney's." Arizona smiled softly.

I still wasn't convinced, but there encouragement helped calm my nerves ever so slightly. Soon I saw Meredith by the doorway and all my nerves came flooding back. I felt my hands starting to shake.

"Are you ready Hadley?" Meredith asked with a smile.

I didn't reply. I didn't even respond. I pretended like Meredith wasn't in the room. I didn't let go of Callie. I closed my eyes tight and buried myself further into her. But quickly I felt her letting go of me.

"Nooo! Callie don't go!" I sniffled as tears started to make there way down my cheek.

But she continued. Both her and Arizona sat up from my bed and Callie lied me back down on the pillow. I felt the bed starting to lower and a few nurses came in followed by Alex.

My breathing started to increase and I could feel my hands start to shake even more. My stomach got all twisted and it felt like butterflies were trying to escape my throat. Then the tears came and I couldn't stop them. No matter how hard I tried or how hard I tried to be strong they just kept coming. I closed my eyes real tight hoping this was a dream and I would wake back up in my bed at Arizona and Callie's house. I opened my eyes wide expecting to see the large window in my room but instead I noticed the walls had changed. And we were moving.

"No! I want Zoni and Cawi!" I cried

"We're right here bug." Arizona said.

She brought me slowly out of the fog and to my hands where I noticed one was laced with hers and the other with Callie's. Suddenly the walls stopped changing colors, and I could see Arizona's color go from her usually happy pink to grey in a matter of a second. I could see tears forming in the back of her eyes. And for once Callie's smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I love you Mija." Callie choked out gripping my hand even tighter. She placed a kiss on my forehead and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I love you too bug." Arizona smiled as she kissed my cheek.

Then I saw the ceiling start moving once again and their grips loosened. I tried to hold onto each of their fingers as long as I could, but I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't hold on.

"No!" I whispered as I closed my eyes hoping to be woken up from this terrible nightmare.

I was lead into a big blue room with lots of lights.
I saw Alex talking to someone and then he came up to me.

"Hadley you are such a brave girl. Meredith and I are going to fix you up and before you know it you will be back with your moms. Do you trust me?"

"Ah huh." I said nodding.

"But Alex I'm scared." I sniffled again.

"You are doing so well Hadley. You can do this. I know the brave big girl inside of you can do this."

I nodded my head but my tears still came. Meredith sat down on a stool next to the bed I had just previously been placed on. She took my hand and rubbed my knuckles.

"You're doing great sweetheart." She told me through her mask.

A nurse came over to me and put a mask over my face. I also felt a cold jolt go through my veins. Within seconds I felt relaxation fill my body. I heard words above me but wasn't focusing on them. As I was told to breath in and out all I focused on was Arizona and Callie. The softness of their voices. The sparkle in their eyes. I started to make it to what they last said and as I replayed "I love you" I fell into darkness.

Thank you for reading, and as promised here is this chapter less than a month later! Also, does anyone else miss Calzona as much as I do? I just got to season 14 (please no spoilers) and I am missing them like crazy. If anyone has some good Calzona fics please let me know! As always vote, comment, and follow!


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