Chapter 10- Nightmare

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Hadley wasn't released from the hospital until late that night. She was asleep by the time Callie picked her up and put her in her booster seat. It took the family fifteen minutes to get from the hospital to the house. When Arizona pulled into the driveway she turned around to shake the sleeping five year old awake.

"Hadley. We're home."

Hadley mumbled, but her eyes started to flicker open.

"Home?" She asked.

Callie had already gotten out of the car and was getting Hadley's box of belongings from the trunk. Arizona unbuckled Hadley from her seat and helped her down out of the car. When Hadley looked at the house her eyes started to sparkle. It was the nicest house she had ever lived in. The outside was nice and clean and old rusted toys weren't scattered throughout the yard. When Arizona took her inside she wasn't used to the silence and having no other kids running around.

"Would you like to see your room?"

"I have my own room? I've never had my own room before."

Callie and Arizona lead her to her room. They went upstairs and showed her it was only two doors down from there. When they opened the door Hadley was amazed. She ran into it and just stood in the center of it. The walls were painted a light teal and her furniture was white. Her bed had a seafoam green and light blue comforter on it along with grey pillows and her new and old stuffed animals. There was a bookshelf already packed with books and toys in the corner along with a desk and art supplies.

"Do you like it?" Arizona asked leading the girl into the room.

"Thank you!" Hadley said pushing herself into Arizona's arms.

For the next hour the couple showed Hadley around the house and started to get her ready for bed. They gave her a bath and tucked her into bed.

"If you need us we will be right across the hall okay. Don't be afraid to wake us up."

"Okay. Hadley yawned turning on her side and snuggling into her new favorite stuffed animal.

"Goodnight sweet girl." Arizona whispered kissing the top of Hadley's head and pulling up her covers to her shoulder. Arizona started to leave the room when a tiny voice stopped her.



"Can you turn on the nightlight?"

"Of course baby."

Arizona turned it on and smiled back at Hadley and left the room.

Hadley was asleep within minutes and when Callie came to check on her in a half an hour she was asleep and all curled up.

"Sleep tight Mija."

Callie left and went to go join her wife in her bedroom.

Over the next few days of having Hadley at home, the family was doing well. Every time Hadley had to use the bathroom she would tell Arizona or Callie and they kept a log of it. She went in for dialysis and everything seemed to be good. It didn't go downhill until Friday. Hadley had only used the bathroom once on Friday and Callie knew it wasn't for very long. She was starting to pee less which the doctors of course knew was a symptom of kidney failure. A few hours after they put Hadley to bed the pair of doctors were woken up by Hadley shaking and sweating.

"Zowni. Callie my tummy hurts." The young girl whispered.

"Uh oh." Hadley said and bolted into their bathroom.

Callie and Arizona ran after her. Callie lifted the toilet bowl seat just in time and Arizona clipped Hadley's hair back and rested a towel on her shoulders. After Hadley's stomach was empty she fell into Arizona behind her with tears coming down her face. Arizona wrapped her shivering body in the towel and picked her up. Hadley curled up in a ball resting her head on Arizona's chest.

"Here sweetie rinse your mouth with this and then spit it out." Callie said giving Hadley the dixie cup.

Hadley did as she was told.

"How many times did she go to the bathroom today?" Arizona asked Callie whispering.

"Just once. Mixed with nausea, vomiting, you think."

"I don't know..."

"Honey, does your mouth taste weirs at all?"

"No except for the throw-up."

"Has anything else hurt today or yesterday that usually doesn't."

"My feet. It hurt to walk a little today."

And that's when Arizona and Callie knew. Hadley was going into Kidney failure.

Callie ran to her dresser and pulled out some clothes and changed quickly. Arizona then passed Hadley to Callie while she changed and called Alex.

"Why are you calling me when you know I am at work. You are on leave Arizona!"

"Alex I think Hadley's going into Kidney failure."


"She only went to the bathroom once today unlike four. She woke us up twenty minutes ago shivering and sweating complaining her stomach hurt. Then she threw up. We asked her if anything else hurts and she said her feet which look swollen."



"I will meet you in the er."

Callie picked up Hadley and went into her room to get her blanket and her favorite stuffed animal which she put in her purse and then took Hadley downstairs.

"Where we goin?" Hadley asked Callie who was running through the house with her attached to her hip.

"Sweetie we need to take you to the hospital again." Callie replied

"I'm sorry I threw up..." Hadley whispered

"Oh, baby it's okay. We just need to make sure your kidneys are okay." Callie said stroking the little girl's hair back behind her ear.

"Then I can come back home with you and Zowni..." Hadley asked shyly as Arizona came down the steps with her bag.

Callie and Arizona stopped and looked at each other for a second with sad looks on their faces at Hadley's question until Callie replied.

"Yes, baby. You aren't going anywhere else but home."

They went to their car and Callie buckled Hadley in her booster seat as Arizona got in the back on the other side. Then Callie got behind the wheel and drove them to the hospital.

Over 200 views! I cannot thank you guys enough so here is the next chapter which I wasn't planning on posting until this weekend.  As always comment, vote, and follow. I'd love to get some feedback on what you guys love about the story or what you think I should change!


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