Chapter 9- Home

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When Arizona and Callie got the news they were overjoyed. They couldn't wait to let this little girl run around in their lives. They checked in on Hadley, but when they saw she was asleep they both decided they needed to go talk to Bailey. Arizona knocked on Bailey's office door.

"Come in."

"Chief, could we talk to you?" Callie asked

"Sure thing. What's this about?" Bailey said motioning for Arizona and her to sit down in front of her desk.

"Well...we..." Callie started but couldn't seem to get out.

"Spit it out, Torres."

"We're Hadley's new foster parents." Arizona said jumping into the conversation.

Bailey's face went from slightly annoyed to coy with a smile.

"I know." Bailey spoke softly.

"You know?!" The pair said out loud.

"What you didn't think the judge wasn't going to call your place of employment to see if truly you were employed and to make sure you were both who you said you were." Bailey questioned.

"Thank you Bailey." Arizona smiled.

"Your welcome...and Congratulations. She's one lucky girl to have parents like you. But Robbins you have to stop treating her immediately she is no longer your patient. Alex is her doctor now. And I don't want to see either of you in an OR for the next two weeks unless some giant accident happens. I'm giving you both two weeks off to aid in Hadley's recovery and get settled in. If one or both of you need more time please let me know." Bailey added.

Neither of them were expecting this time off or even this easy of a conversation with Bailey. They couldn't help but just smile.

"Now go see her!" Bailey said waving her hand at the door.

They hopped up and went back to peds to find someone awake.

"Zoni, Callie!" The smiled.

They could tell their little girl was still week. Her eyes were slightly glazed over, she had bags under her eyes, and her skin was pale. But the smile on her face made her whole body light up.

"Hi sweetheart." Callie said coming over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Are you feeling any better?" Callie asked brushing Hadley's hair back behind her ear.

"I'm tired." She yawned.

"Go back to sleep. Your body needs to recover." Arizona suggested standing next to Callie.

"But I've been sleeping so much." She whined.
"I don't want to sleep anymore. But I'm so tired!" She whimpered as she curled into a ball.

Callie rubbed and back with a soothing hum and before she knew it the girl was out.

"She's so tired." Callie whispered.

"I just hope the antibiotics work their course."

Over the next few days Arizona and Callie barely left Hadley's bedside. She was also ready to go home. Hadley was learning how to deal with her pain, but she still needed dialysis every other day. At least she could rest in her new home.

It was around 9:30 on a rainy night in Seattle when Arizona walked into Hadley's room. She saw Hadley curled up in a ball and knew Hadley was in pain.

"Hi sweetie." Arizona spoke softly running her hand up and down Hadley's back.

"Hi." Hadley whispered curled up in a ball.

"How are you feeling?" Arizona said removing her hand about to sit down in the chair.

"No. Hand warm." Hadley whispered before Arizona could sit down.

Arizona went around to the other side of the bed and laid down picking up the little girl and putting her in her arms.

"Better?" Arizona asked

"Ah huh." Hadley smiled and buried herself further into the warm embrace.

"When can we go home?" Hadley asked Arizona looking up at her with big brown eyes.

Callie and Arizona had told her they would be taking her home instead of Theresa taking her to Portland. The girl was excited she got to stay with her two favorite people.

"Soon baby."

"Okay." Hadley yawned.

Arizona watched as Hadley's eyes became slits and soon she could feel the soft breathing.

Arizona laid there thinking about the future and how she couldn't wait to watch her baby grow up. She thought of all the times she hoped to run around on the backyard with her. The times she cried and needed to be held. When she was older and was on a basketball team or even when she would come home after curfew and tried sneaking around her mothers. Arizona shuttered at this thought but knew it was coming in the blink of an eye. She stopped thinking and just felt the warmth of Hadley's embrace.
The next thing Arizona remembers is Callie kissing her forehead and waking up.

"Hi." Callie smiled looking at the little girl covered up in her arms.

"Hi." Arizona smiled back.

"Alex told me he found you two asleep hours ago and didn't have the heart to wake you up." Callie said sitting back down in her chair.

"What time is it?" Arizona asked a tiny bit disgruntled.

"7:30" Callie replied looking at her phone.

"This is the most sleep i've had in a while."

"One of the nurses told me this was the best rest Hadley has had since she has been here. Usually she only sleeps two hours at a time but both of you have been out since 9:00 yesterday."

"Poor baby..." Arizona whispered kissing the top of Hadley's head.

The tiny body in Arizona's grasp began to move.

"Zowni??" A little voiced asked.

Arizona could feel Hadley shift under her.

"Goodmorning sweetie." Arizona said kissing the top of Hadley's head.

"Morning..." Hadley said moving around to get comfortable but ultimately stayed snuggled into the doctors arms.

"Guess what today is?" Callie asked.

"What?" Hadley asked confused.

"We get to go home tonight."

Oh my gosh over 150 views thank you all so much! I'm sorry I didn't upload this chapter earlier. I just got back to school and will probably not be uploading everyday until finals are over. I also had some writers block in this chapter. I think I ended up rewriting it three times and I'm still not happy with it. But in any case I hope you guys are enjoying this family as much as I am. As always comment, vote, and follow


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