Families & Explanations

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The Malfoy's
1. Draco
2. Hermione
3. Scorpius
4. Danielle
5. Alexander (Alex)
6. Narcissa

The Potter's
1. Harry
2. Ginny
3. James
4. Albus
5. Lily
6. Molly
7. Charlie

The Zabini's
1. Blaise
2. Luna
3. Elizabeth
4. Xander

The Nott's
1. Theodore (Theo)
2. Pansy
3. Raven

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1a. Pansy & Ron didn't want to continue their partnership after their children had disappeared. Sure, they had become friends, but they weren't romantically involved and never planned on being romantically involved.

1b. Ron fell in love with Lavender and they have their own children, but because of some problems they no longer talk to anyone.

1c. Pansy and Theo got together soon after graduating from Hogwarts and became better friends with the rest of the group. They had their own child (Raven).


2a. Draco & Hermione got married after graduating from Hogwarts, obviously having already gotten Scorpius and Danielle back based on the events of chapter Twenty One.

2b. Soon after getting married, Hermione found out she was pregnant with their second son Alexander (Alex).

2c. A year after giving birth to Alex, she gave birth to their fourth child Narcissa, who was named after Draco's mother.

2d. On the day of Thanksgiving (epilogue time) Hermione gave birth to their fifth and final child Monica, who was named after her mother.


3a. Harry & Ginny also got married after graduating from Hogwarts, obviously having already gotten James, Albus, and Lily back based on the events of chapter Twenty One.

3b. About a year after getting married, Ginny became pregnant with twins Molly & Charlie who were, respectively, named after Ginny's mom and favorite sibling.


4a. Just like the rest of the group, Blaise and Luna got married a little after graduation. They also agreed they wanted Elizabeth back when asked so the two had her.

4b. The couple had another child (Xander) after two years of being married. He is named after Luna's father.

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if you still have any questions regarding this story please comment them down below and i'll answer them to my best ability

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