Suspicions Arise

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*writing chapters with peoples thoughts viewing homosexuality as a bad thing is insanely weird and feels so wrong but I guess I should have seen this coming*

When Paul awoke the following morning he turned his head to the right and saw John seated on a chair in front of the window, staring out at the Liverpool street below.

"What are you thinking about?" Paul asked.

John looked over at him suddenly, having been surprised by the sound of his voice. Then he gave half a smile. "Who says I'm thinking about anything?"

"You're always thinking about something," Paul pointed out.

John laughed. "Alright, valid"


"I'm thinking about you," John stated. "And me. And us."

"It certainly has been a weird year," Paul sighed. "It's been a good year, but really fucking weird."

John chuckled and nodded slowly. "Tell me about it," he stood from where he sat on the chair, then knelt down beside Paul's bedside and leaned toward him. He kissed his cheek gently and hummed sweetly against Paul's warm skin.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Mimi opened the door when the door bell rang to see George standing on the door step.

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith." He greeted politely.

Mimi sighed. "Hello, George. John and Paul are upstairs."

"Thank you," George nodded and entered the house, striding past her and hurrying up the stairs and down the hall to John's room. The door stood slightly ajar and he peeked inside to see John planting a kiss on Paul's forehead.

"I love you," John said. "You know that?"

Paul smiled. "Yeah, I know."

George backed away and flattened himself against the wall, eyes wide. 'What the hell?!' He breathed heavily but tried to stay quiet so that Paul and John wouldn't hear him.

What had he just seen? Paul and John? QUEERS?! He couldn't believe it! The thought had never even crossed his mind!

George just stood in the hallway for several minutes before he decided he should go in. He peeked inside, then entered. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hello, Georgie." Paul nodded. He had sat up and was now sitting up against the head board with several pillows piled up behind him seeing as the skin on his back was still seriously injured.

"Hey, John." George nodded. "Hi, Paul. How're you feeling?"

"A bit better," Paul shrugged his shoulders.

That night, John was lying on his bed with his arms wrapped around Paul. It was almost eleven and Mimi and Mike had both retired to their own rooms for the night.

"Do you think George was acting a bit strange today?" John asked, his hands finding their way into Paul's soft brown hair.

Paul shrugged. "I suppose. He's George. He's just awkward like that. It's what makes George George. His awkwardness makes his awesomeness." Paul laughed and sighed happily as John played with his hair.

"If you say so," John nodded. He turned into his side and pull did the same. John wrapped his arms around Paul's waist and Paul wound his arms around John's neck and pecked his lips. "I love you so much."

Paul smiled. "I love you more,"

"Not a chance, McCartney." John laughed.

"Prove it," Paul dared him in a challenging voice.

John raised his eyebrows and leaned in, kissing Paul sensually on the lips and slowly trailing his lips down Paul's jaw and to the neck where he rather ravished the younger boy's soft skin more than kissed it. John wound his hand into his lover's hair and gripped a handful tightly in a fist.

"John," Paul moaned.

He kissed Paul's lips again and smiled against his skin. "I love you most,"

On Loving Paul [McLennon]Where stories live. Discover now