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In June of the following year, just after the release of the Magical Mystery Tour album, Paul and John were alone in the apartment alone. George was meeting Pattie's parents for the very first time and Ringo was staying over night at his girlfriend Maureen's house.

"Oh my god, look at the time." Paul said, wide eyed.

"It's six," John said. "Where've you got to be at six in the evening on a Thursday night?"

"Linda's," Paul said a pecked John on the cheek. "I've got to go. I'm late." And he pulled his shoes on and hurried toward the door.

"Wait, Paul - " John began but Paul was already out the door. John glowered at the wall. Why the hell was Paul going to Linda's apartment at six in the evening on a Thursday night? He was sure Paul wasn't cheating, but he still didn't like it and he was wicked jealous...and, he decided, he did NOT trust Linda to be alone with his Paulie.

Well, I know what I'll do tonight, John decided, if I can't spend it with Paul and he's off gallivanting with Linda, then John was just going to call up Yoko and see if she wanted to go and get a drink. That'll show Paul....


"John?" Paul called into the flat. "I'm home!"

There was no answer.

Paul walked into the kitchen and saw that there was a note sitting in the counter. He picked it up and read;

Out having a drink with a friend

"Ah," Paul said, then sighed lightly. "Now," he said as he crumpled up the small piece of paper and tossed it into the rubbish bin. "What to do with my night?" Just as he was about to head to head into the sitting room, the phone began to ring. Paul picked it up and pressed it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hi, Paul," Linda's voice travelled through the phone.

"Oh, hey, Linda." Paul smiled even though Linda couldn't see him. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for tonight,"

"It was my pleasure," Paul said. "It was really no trouble at all."

"Well, thank you again anyway," Linda said and Paul could practically hear the smile in her tone. "Was she alright? Did she behave?"

"She was an absolute angel all evening," Paul stated.

"Thank goodness," Linda sighed contently. "It's so hard to find a reasonable babysitter and it's not like I can afford one, so thank your for looking after Heather for no charge."

"Anytime, Linda," Paul said. "How was your date?"

"Eh," Linda replied. "It was, uhm, fine I guess. I don't think I'll be seeing him again, though."

"I'm sorry that it didn't work out," Paul said.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to go and get some rest," Linda said. "It's been a long day. Thank you again, Paul. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Linda." Paul said. "Sleep well."

"You, too, Paul." Linda said. "Goodnight."

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