George's Crush

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The Beatles began recording their first album, Please Please Me, early in January of 1963. Half of the songs were covers while the other half was all songs that either John, Paul, or the both of them had written.

"Well, she was just 17

You know what I mean

And the way she looked was way beyond compare

So how could I dance with another (Ooh)

When I saw her standing there,"

John stood a couple feet away from Paul, singing along to the next verse inside his head but using the lyrics they had originally written.

"Well he looked at me, and I, I could see

That before too long I'd fall in love with him

He wouldn't dance with another (Whooh)

When I saw him standing there."

John admired Paul as he sang, his voice smooth like silk. Paul's voice made such beautiful transitions from one note to another. It was one of John's favorite things about Paul, his voice. It was perfect, just like Paul himself.


After finishing the album, the Beatles decided to go out to a bar and get some drinks.

"Come on, Georgie!" Ringo grinned after downing several beers. "Let's go find you a bird!"

George shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I'm not so sure about that Ringo. I'm really not all that great with women. I mean, I'm just so awkward around them and I like - "

"I'll help you out," Ringo waved away George's protests and concerns and pulled him to his feet, slinging an arm across George's shoulders. "Listen to me. You are George fucking Harrison, okay? And you are part of the Beatles. And the Beatles just recorded a freaking album and they are going to be so famous that all four of them are going to have women waiting in line for days to sleep with them."

George blinked. "Ringo, have you had too much to drink?" He sighed.

"Maybe," Ringo admitted. "NOW COME ON!!" He dragged a still protesting George away to a large group of women in barely there blouses and skirts while John and Paul laughed as they watched the two of them go.

"Perhaps they'd be better off just sleeping with each other," John laughed.

Paul looked over at him with a rather thoughtful look, the shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, you never know. Maybe they will. Maybe they'll fall into complete and utter love."

John smiled. "Maybe,"

"I really want to kiss you right now," Paul whispered.

John grinned. "The feeling is mutual,"

Paul laughed, returning the grin. "If only we could,"

"Well," John scooted his stool closer to Paul's so that he could whisper in the younger man's ear. "What would you say about hitting the road and going back to our very private motel room?" He smirked.

Paul was suddenly very grateful for the fact that they were sitting down for when John hissed into his ear in that husky voice of his, Paul's knees began shaking uncontrollably and he was sure that, had he been standing, his legs would have given way. "Yes," he nodded, speaking in a pleading tone. "Please."

"Right, then." John stood and pulled Paul to his feet. "Let's get out of here."

The two wandered the bar/club until they found Ringo and George (George having struck out with a total of seven women already) and told them that they were heading back to their motel room and that they would see them in the morning.


John and Paul entered the dingy motel room that they shared. The one that George and Ringo were sharing was the room to the left of John and Paul's.

Paul locked the door behind the two of them, then turned to John.

John cupped Paul's face in his hands and kissed him lovingly.

And they just went on like this for a long while until there came a knock at the door and the pulled away from each other with a very deep and annoyed sighs and turned to the door. Paul unlocked it and pulled it open to reveal George standing there looking very pink in the face.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

Paul and John, curious to what had happened after they left the club, abandoned all thoughts about the make out session that had happened just moments before and quickly nodded, stepping aside to allow George into the room. George gave a nod of thanks and strode into the motel room and sat down in a chair, burying his head in his hands.

"What wrong, Georgie?" Paul patted George's shoulder.

"I - I think I've got a crush on someone," George looked up at Paul.

"Whoa, did Ringo really find you a girl that fast?" John asked.

"In a way," george frowned.

"What do you mean?" Paul questioned.

George sighed heavily. "I think I've got a major crush on Ringo,"

Paul and John shot each other a look, and Paul's face broke into a huge, elated grin. "I TOTALLY CALLED IT!!"

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