How Do You Sleep

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John didn't know how to react to the release of Maybe I'm Amazed, even though it had now been months since it happened.

It was October and George had tried to convince him several times in the past month to call Paul. All of a sudden, he was obsessed with trying to get John and Paul to make up. John wasn't really fazed by this until Ringo started calling and trying to convince him to call Paul!

All the talk about it made him think rather continuously about Paul. He wasn't angry with him, but being angry at other people was the one thing John was always great at. Well, that and making music.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a good mix of talents.


It was December of 1971. Paul and Linda were in the sitting room if their Montana ranch home with their three daughters. Outside, it was snowing heavily.

Linda was holding the baby against her. Heather was in between Linda and Paul and Mary was curled up on Paul's lap.

The radio was playing and the family was chatting happily. That is, until a voice spoke on the radio.

"And now," said the radio host. "We've got a new single from one of the four former Beatles."

Paul looked up very suddenly, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. Please don't, he thought to himself. Don't let it be him. Please don't let it be him!

"He's been releasing quite a bit of music on his own in the last couple of years," the radio host went on. "This is John Lennon with How Do You Sleep!"

Paul suddenly had a very sick feeling in his stomach and he wanted to run, he wanted to run far away. He wanted to be as far away from Linda and Mary and Heather and Stella and the house and that goddamned radio as he possibly could!

But he sat there and he listened...

"So sgt. pepper took you by

No. He didn't. He did not.

"You better see right through that
mother's eyes,"

He didn't.

"Those freaks was right when they
said you was you was dead,"


"The one mistake you made was
in your head
How do you sleep?
ah how do you sleep at night?"

Paul couldn't believe him!! John had broken off the relationship! He had been the one who was jealous for no reason! He had been the one who over thought the whole thing and been completely irrational!!

"You live with straights who tell you
You was king
Jump when your mamma tell
you anything,"

Paul was absolutely fuming.

"The only thing you done was
and since you've gone it's just
another day
How do you sleep?
ah how do you sleep at night?"

How could he?

"A pretty face may last a year
or two
but pretty soon they'll see
what you can do,"

Paul wanted to sob...

"The sound you make is muzak
to my ears,"

He wanted to scream...

"You must have learned
something all those years,"

Most of all, he wanted to run...

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