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Hermione's P.O.V : 

Light snores echoed through the room. I glanced at the clock before deciding that I would get up and make a late breakfast seeing that it was around 10. I started to get up when I realized the arms around me. 

And they weren't letting go. 

My head fell back onto the warm chest. I tilted my head up slightly, to find Draco's face inches from mine, open-mouthed and asleep. He looked so peaceful when he's asleep, so I didn't want to wake him. 

Deciding to just wait and see if they woke up, I started getting comfortable.

Counting the heartbeats under my head, I noticed that they started suddenly increasing. Realizing that he was having a nightmare, I quickly pulled out of his arms and disapparated him to the guest bedroom so he wouldn't wake up Ginny and Blaise. I started shaking his arm in an attempt to wake him up, but suddenly I was being flipped over onto the other side of the bed. 

Two strong hands were gripping my shoulders down as Draco hovered over me. "Draco," I whispered loudly yet softly to him. "Draco, please wake up." I placed one of my hands on the side of his face. His eyes snapped open and looked around the room frantically. "It was just a dream," his eyes found mine, and the amount of sadness in his eyes made me gasp slightly. He quickly rolled off of me and tried to slow his breathing until it was back to normal. 

He opened the curtain and stood by the window, his figure shaking. I wanted to go to him, as him if he needed someone to talk to, but then I remembered that we hardly knew each other.

He would probably talk to Blaise before he would talk to you. 

This was understandable, seeing as we only became friends yesterday, but I tried anyway.

"If you ever want to talk, I live right next door. I'm going to go make breakfast," he didn't reply. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.


Ginny's P.O.V. :
I awoke two arms around me, my head laying on his shoulder. I stared at his face, seeing as he wouldn't let me get up, studying his features till he woke up. 

Two brown eyes opened up, gazing straight into mine.

"Wow Red, it seems like I'm irresistible. One day and you're already trying to snuggle with me," he smiled slightly. My stomach rolled uncomfortably.

"That's weird," I replied, "because last I checked you were the one that wouldn't let me go, which leads me to believe that I'm the irresistible one." He loosened his arms and we both got up, his face slightly red. 

"Breakfast," Hermione yelled from the kitchen. Draco was sitting on a barstool talking to Hermione when they noticed us come in.

"Blaise, mate, are you blushing?" Draco chuckled, a small smile gracing my face as well.

"Shut up," he murmured quietly. We all ate in silence then both the men had to leave for work. 

We thanked them for staying with us and then we went back to clean up breakfast.

Hermione's P.O.V. :
We were sitting in the living room drinking hot cocoa when Ginny gasped then formed an evil smile.

"What?" I thought back to the conversation we were having about Ron and Harry. 

"Oh my Merlin! I have an amazing idea!" I sat up straighter before gesturing for her to continue.

"So you know how they dumped us like we were nothing?"


"And how they didn't seem to be committed to us at all?"

"Is this supposed to make me feel better because it's just making me feel sad."

"I'm getting there, anyway... what if we could get them back? Like, a retaliation of some sort to make them regret ever leaving us?" She smiled.

I turned my head slightly, "What exactly do you mean?"

"We need to irritate them somehow, do something that will make them angry yet want us so bad," she looked thoughtful.

"What if we get complete makeovers?" I added. "I don't support the idea that women have to look great for men to like them nor do they have to change to make someone like them, whatsoever! But," thoughts swirled in my head as I got up and started pacing, "it could be possible to play on some men's persistent ability to be attracted to women of physical beauty."

Ginny's eyes followed me back and forth while I mumbled a little longer, nodding at some of my points. "Alright, Ginny," I stated, "let's do it." 

She jumped up in excitement. "That's great! So the plan to make us irresistible is made. Now something that will irritate them and make them mad. Otherwise, it wouldn't really be retaliation now would it?" I nodded in agreement. We sat and thought for a moment when an idea suddenly popped into my head.

"Ginny! What if we got boyfriends?! We could make them mad by showing them that we are completely over them." 

I sighed when I realized the large gap in the plan.

"But how would we irritate them?" I asked. 

She sat there thinking for a moment. "Well, Harry and Ron are so used to having the spotlight on them, let's steal it from them!"

"How do we do that?"

A sly grin formed on her face before answering. "What if we dated someone that they didn't like at all? It could irritate them and steal the spotlight all at once."

"Well, I'm good friends with Dean and Seamus since I work with them. Maybe I could convince them to take the part-"

"No they won't do the trick," Ginny interrupted. "We need two people that Harry and Ron absolutely disgust. Two people that no one would expect us to go for, which would be enough to send the press and paparazzi sprinting away from them and to us. Two people who are always looking for a way to mess with them, especially irritate them." She grinned a wide mischievous smile, making me wonder why she wasn't put in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor.

I caught on, shaking my head in denial, "Ginny, don't say it-"

"We need Blaise and Draco."

*Hey guys! So the plan is formed. How are they going to ask the guys for help? Will they agree? 

Comment and ask me anything!

Love you guys! Stay groovy!*

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