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*I tried this once 👆....It didn't work.*

Ginny's P.O.V. :

"Oh Hermione! We forgot to ask them," I told her as we cleared the table, cleaning the dishes with magic.

"I can't believe we forgot!" She travels back into the kitchen to grab this mornings newspaper from the bar while the dishes quietly washed themselves.

"Forgot what?" Draco asked while he sat down on the couch with Blaise.

I sat down with Hermione on the loveseat so that we were directly in front of them.

"Look at this!" Hermione said while handing them the paper and smiling.

"We made the front page?" Blaise said slowly, obviously confused as to why we were so excited.

"Not that, although that is exciting too," I told them while grabbing the paper from them. "This!" I flipped the paper around where the back was facing them.

"I'm guessing that you are both excited about this?" Blaise asked as he leaned forward on his knees and turned to look at Draco with a small smile.

"There is going to be loads of carnival booths and rides. It's going to be amazing!" I told them.

"Yeah and not to mention the involvement that the wizarding world is now having in some forms of muggle entertainment," Hermione said with fascination.

"What about it?" Draco asked, leaning back onto the couch.

"Well, we were wondering if you two would like to go with us in two weeks to the opening of the first Wizards and Witches Carnaval?"

They looked at each other before smiling again. "Yeah we'll go," Blaise answered for them both of them, looking kind of suspicious if I do say so myself.

"Have you bought the tickets yet Hermione?" I asked.

An irritated look came on her face, "No, not yet. The tickets are not available for another week and even then the cost is going to be pretty high. I know some people in the Department of Magical Activities and I might be able to pull a few strings or maybe ask for some favors to be able to buy tickets early, though."

"Well, it's a good thing that you haven't bought any tickets yet because then we would really be in a bind," Draco said speaking up once more.

"How is that a good thing?" I asked, obviously as confused as Hermione.

Realization dawned on her face a couple of seconds later. "No." She gave Draco a look of disbelief. "You didn't- "

"Mmhhh," he said with a triumphant smile.

Confusion flitted across her face. "How did you-"

"Hermione, darling. I can be very convincing when I need to be. And you said it yourself, I could sustain the Ministry. Plus, I'm a Malfoy," His face turned slightly mischievous. "I get what I want."

Her face turned slightly red when he said 'darling,' but she recovered quick before anyone could notice. I did, though, and smiled slightly.

"Voila," he said, and pulled out four tickets from his back pocket and set them on the coffee table in between us.

"Hey, hey, hey," Blaise interjected. "I paid for half, so lets not let Mr. Dollar bill here get all the credit." He opened his arms for a hug.

"Blaise, mate. What are you doing?" Draco asked while looking slightly amused.

He gave him a silly grin, noticing that we were all still sitting down. "It's called a hug, Drakey Poo. I know you don't get as much hugs as I do, because I'm obviously way cuter, but I still expected you to know what a hug is."

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