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Ginny's P.O.V. :
"Ginny, do you want to go on the Ferris Wheel with me?"

Hermione points in the direction of the gigantic metal contraption and an idea formed in my head.

"Umm... I'm not a very big fan of the Ferris Wheel," I explained, shoving Draco in her direction. "But Draco will go with you."

He nodded his head in agreement while she gave me a wary look before tugging him towards the Wheel.

I turn around and pull Blaise up from the picnic table. "Come on," I whined, yanking slightly on his arm when he was barely moving.

"Wait!" He groaned loudly, trying to shove the rest of his bowl of ice cream sundae in his mouth before we had to leave. He quickly finished, threw the plastic bowl away, and gave into my tugging.

"Wheerrr ore-whee-goin?" I tugged him behind the Ferris Wheel to where the main controls were. He swallowed loudly. "Where are we going?"

I smiled and kissed his lips for a couple of seconds, both of us pulling back with a grin. I licked my lips, "You had ice cream on them."

He nodded before giving me a peck on the lips. "So what are we doing back here? I mean I'm totally fine with you giving me kisses, but wouldn't you rather just head back to the apartm-"

I smacked his chest lightly. "Look!"

I pointed to where Hermione and Draco were just starting to make their way to the top of the Wheel.
I ran over to the controls and hit the big red stop button, causing the entire thing to come to a halt.

I shooed Blaise towards the front. "Hurry! Stall the workers for time! They need enough time to confess their love for each other!"


Hermione's P.O.V. :

Just tell him! I said to myself.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "Tell me what?"

Crap, I said that out loud!


The Ferris Wheel came to a sudden halt, flinging me into his lap.

Alright fine! I might've jumped into his lap a little, but he didn't need to know that.

We stared at each other. Me sitting on his lap, and him holding my waist, yet time seemed to slow as he leaned forward and kissed me.

In that moment, I knew that I loved him. Maybe I realized it when I fought for him in the Minister's office today, or when he burnt his finger on that hot pan from the oven. But I'm pretty sure I realized it when he was taunting me in the kitchen the other night.

Much too soon, he pulled away.

"Draco I-"

"Hermione I love you. I have since before I saved your life in that hospital, but you hated me. So I hid my feelings for so long, and somehow you ended up in my life and I could never be happier."


"-And I didn't want to tell you because you had just cut off your engagement a couple of months back and I didn't want to ruin our friendship."


"-But this relationship was fake, I know. But it's never felt more real to me, Hermione. Now before you tell me we're better off as friend-"

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