Chapter 13

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Welcome back everyone! PLEASE READ!

I hope you all enjoy the next chapter of Alpha Male, and I am happy to announce that I will be RECEIVING a TRAILER in the next couple of weeks for this very book.

The trailer will take longer than usual though, but I am still super excited.

Adding to this I would like to say that the next couple of chapters (4) will be dedicated to some AMAZING writers who were in a competition I created with @MustLoveDaisies. However, due to some complications the competition is on hold until further notice, and I did not want them to go away with nothing.

They are HARD WORKING writers who are not seen like most of us here on wattpad, and I would LOVE to give them a chance to PROVE what they've got.

ANYWAYS, first up is @AllyanaM. AllyanaM won our first prompt of the competition and was awarded with a free chance of NO ELIMINATION. She is a great writer and through the competition has been working on Broker for the other side - Collection of SHORT stories. She has been doing such an amazing job that I feel as if she should CONTINUE with these short stories(that add up to an actual novel) and place it into the 2014WATTY AWARDS.

PLEASE help her out because I know SHE deserves it!

Anyways ENJOY!



Chapter 13


I couldn't help but feel at odds with my surroundings. The festivities for the full moon have been in full swing since early this morning, and everyone was ready for the big races that would follow as the day went on, and yet I still felt as if something was off. Children lined the edge of the forest ready to take their first transformation while parents lined behind their child watching. Waiting.

The first change for a werewolf was one of the most amazing. It was a time for young wolves to see their wolf for the first time and figure out just who they were through their wolf. The change also signified that they were ready to find a mate though they couldn’t settle down until the age of eighteen. However, even though the first transformation was the most amazing to a new werewolf, it was also the most painful, and that’s why the alpha had to attend to the first transformation. Bones would snap and sometimes break as the body accommodated to the growing wolf’s needs. The teenagers were warned beforehand what might happen while they’re going through the change, and if that were to happen, they would return with my parents back to the house to heal.

The healing process would only take a few hours and by then they could join back up with everyone else in the pack run.

“Is everyone ready?” I yelled so everyone could hear me. I was standing further into the woods beside my mother and father who waited just in case they were needed.

As expected, children hooted in excitement for their answer. They were as ready as I had been at their age to take the change. Even Hunter, who stood closest to my parents was excited about the change even when the odds were stacked against the poor boy. He still was happy just being there and having that chance.

“Let’s get going then,” I shouted over the hollers. When all voiced died down, I went on speaking looking directly at the younger students in line. “We will walk for about a mile into the woods and once we’re there you will be the first to transform. Those of you who do not, and those who get injured will go back to the house with my parents.” I stopped to take a deep breath before going on, “The rest of you will wait for the rest of us to transform ourselves before we head out on the run. Understood?”

Alpha Male (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now