Chap. Twelve. Final Chapter! :)

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Of course I was that girl who decided to wait the morning of the day I'm getting on a plane to pack. Gilligan was getting all of the dog stuff ready while I was busy running around our room packing. I decided to only pack two suit cases. Gil packed one. He told me to keep it casual. So I packed shorts, and jeans. Tee shirts and tank tops. I didn't bother with any makeup or hair stuff besides a brush and hair ties. I threw my bathroom stuff in the bag. I stared at the box of tampons. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I opened up the calender. I should have gotten my period a couple days ago. There I sat on my bathroom floor infront of the cabinet holding a box of tampons in one hand and my cell phone in the other. That is how Gil found me. 

"Whats wrong?" He asked leaning against the door frame. 

"It's late." 

"No it's early actually it's six am." Obviously he didn't know what I meant. 

"No Gilligan. My. Period. Is. Late." I paused between each word. 

"Well haven't you been stressed? I heard if you're stressed it can be late." 

"Yeah that's probably it." I said and put a handful of tampons in the bag and then put my phone back into my jeans. 

We were having Nick pick us up in Pauls truck so we could put the dogs kennels in the back. I had just finished putting everything away when Nick got to the house. He helped Gilligan with the dog kennels and then we got our suitcases in the back. When we got to the airport Nick helped with the dogs again we checked in and we paid for the luggage and the dogs kennels, we had given them these doggy sleeping things that we got from the vet well that Gil got from the vet for the trip. It was only going to be a few hours flight. 

When we got settled into our seats I closed my eyes. Gilligan had the middle seat and I had the isle seat. Then there was this other young man on the other side of Gilligan. He looked about Gil's age. 

I buckled in and relaxed. Gil laced his fingers through mine and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"You get to meet my little sister." 

"You haven't spoken about her too much." 

"Well you know her name, and that she's 7. Well she's turning 8 this summer. What else would you like to know about her?" 

"Everything. How can I win her over?" 

We quieted down while we waited for the stuartists to finish the saftey stuff and then the plane took off. And I've never been one to get sick on the plane but as soon as we took off I had to unbuckle my seat and I ran to the nearest bathroom that was thankfully not occupied and I emptied my stomach. When I felt that I was fine I rinsed my mouth and then went back to my seat. I didn't bother with buckling it. 

"Are you okay?" Gil asked and I shrugged. 

"I'm fine. Just a tummy ache." But I didn't feel sick anymore. 

"So back to Rena." I said to distract him. 

"Well she is in love with Gymnastics. It's her life. My mom and step dad got her into it young. And she's a natural. She's in the top 5 at her age group. We're all nearly positive she's going to the olympics. She like every other seven year old loves to play dress up and play with makeup and all of that. She's a normal little girl really." 

"So how do I win her over?" 

"Play barbies with her? I dunno.. Take her shopping maybe? I'm a guy. I'm sure she'll love you." Gil said before kissing the side of my head. I decided to relax and sleep for the rest of the flight. 

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