A mending bond

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The trolls were all in cages caught by the chef trying to save Creek and Brooke. The Trolls were separated in 2 groups in 2 separate cages. Siblings were away from siblings and daughters were away from their fathers. ( Basically the fancharcters away from the main characters ). Sorry but I can't have you leaving before tomorrow's dinner. A dinner to which you are all invited. When I say all I mean every troll from troll village chef said. You'll never find them not where they're hiding poppy said. Oh your right I couldn't find them. But I can with someone they know, someone they trust. Someone like this guy chef said pulling Creek and Brooke out of her fanny pack. Creek, Brooke your alive poppy and Iris said joyfully in Union. Twig and branch realized. They're selling us out Twig and Branch shouted in Union as they choked Creek and Brooke with they're hair. Guys stop Iris shouted. At least give them a chance poppy said holding branch back. Thank you poppy. We're selling you out Creek said. Then Poppy and Iris started choking Creek and Brooke. But the snack pack stopped them. You better explain yourselves Iris demanded. As we were about to except our fate we had what you would call a spiritual Awakening Brooke said. ( They explained how they made a deal with chef ) I had enough of both of you Twig said angrily. She tried to shoot her magic at them, but just when it was about to hit them it faded. What ? Twig said questioning herself why her magic faded. Well looks like your time is up Brooke said with an evil smile across her face. Twig looked at her necklace, the color of the charm was faded and no longer bright. Now you will die slowly but surely Brooke said. You little- Twig said but was cut off. Now now don't you want to know who sabotaged you the day of your performance Brooke asked. Twig looked confused. For it was me who humiliated you Brooke said. Your the one who sabotaged me Twig asked angrily. Indeed Brooke said.
Twig: Hey come closer will you
Brooke: looks confused but steps closer.
Twig: little closer
Brooke: steps closer
Twig: another step maybe.
Brooke: stood close to the cage.
When Brooke was close enough Twig wacked her on the head with her frying pan. With that Brooke was knocked out cold. I've been waiting to do that twig whispered to herself. Now say your good byes to your siblings Creek said evilly. NO IRIS poppy shouted. POPPY Iris shouted back. Everybody was shouting for their siblings. Everybody exept for Twig and Branch. But then branch got to the edge of the cage and called for the chef's attention. Wait can I just get a minute alone with my sister branch asked. Chef threw both Twig and Branch into a separate cage. You have 2 minutes chef said. What's this about twig asked. I just want to apologize about how I treated you for the past 20 years branch said. Twig cocked a brow. I mean it. I was a horrible brother. I Know you won't forgive me, but I just want you to know I love you and nothing will change that branch said. Twig looked at her brother sympathetically. Branch- was all she could say. Times up chef said. As she was opening the cage the siblings looked at eachother. Branch hugged his sister and whispered in her ear I love you. Twig hugged him back and started tearing up. Before she could say I love you too she was pulled away from her brother and was placed in a big pot where all the other trolls were. And branch was placed in a different pot with poppy and the snack pack. The snack pack and their siblings and daughters listened to the whole thing. Iris put a hand on Twig's shoulder knowing she was about to cry. Iris pulled twig into a tight hug and Twig began crying on her shoulder. I didn't tell him that I love him too Twig said as she stopped sobbing. Well there's nothing we can do now Iris said. Now the snack pack and their loved ones depended on Iris and Poppy to have a plan but deep down Iris and Poppy were feeling hopless.

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