Riff off

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Everyone was still sound asleep on cloud guy's bus. Everything was peaceful. Clover opened his eyes to see his girlfriend still asleep making the cutest smile. He quietly kissed her forehead but Twig woke up smiling at her boyfriend. Clover started kissing her lips and she slowly started kissing back. They were quiet so they wouldn't wake up the others. They started kissing more passionately and Clover was now on top of Twig. Still kissing they didn't realize that cloud guy was watching them with a big goofy grin on his face. He cleared his throat and the two teens heard him and stopped there make out session.

Cloud guy: you kids having fun back there.
Twig: what do you mean.
Cloud guy: you know what I'm talking about.
Clover: and that's as far as we're going. What else could we hav- oh my gosh no. We would never.
Twig: never wha- oh my lord No.
Cloud guy: I'm only kidding.
Clover: in the future we might ( Smirks ).
Twig: Clover !!!
Clover: Holy cow I was kidding. Why do you have to send me mixed signals.
Twig: it's not that I don't want it to happen I just don't like it when you say it in front of other people.
Clover: oh I didn't know I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me.
Twig: sorry.
Clover: it's okay. ( Hugs her )
Twig: ( hugs back )
Clover: so cloud guy are we almost there ?
Cloud guy: actually we're here.
Twig: oh my gosh finally. Hey Tiff you mind waking everyone up.
Tiffany: of course. ( Gets 2 frying pans ) I DON'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE Y'ALL. YOU ARE NOT GETTING SLEEP CAUSE OF ME.
Iris: Tiffany what gives.
Tiffany: I'm sorry it was just so tempting.
Sona: Have you heard something called beauty sleep.
Twig: we have. It's a waste of time because I can sleep for 12 hours and I'll still wake up looking like a trash can.
Heartsmay: Yeah agreed.

So everyone got off the bus and headed up to their penthouse. When they looked inside it was huge but they discovered that there were only a few rooms. There were enough for the Pringles but not enough for the rest of them. Which meant the couples would have to share.

Sona: there's not enough rooms so what do we do.
Heartsmay: how about us Pringles sleep in our own rooms while the couple share.
Bunny: what a great idea.
Iris: um hello some of our boyfriends aren't here.
Heartsmay: then y'all sleep by yourselves while the rest of the couples whose boyfriends are here share.
Clover: I like that idea very much.
Twig: Don't get any ideas. And no funny business.
Clover: I can't promise that.
Twig: you know making you sleep on the couch isn't a bad idea.
Clover: okay geez I was only kidding. You guys take stuff too seriously.
Twig: all right everyone goodnight.
All: goodnight.

( With twig and Clover in their room )
Twig gets under the covers with Clover and she gets herself comfortable.
Clover: you know it's not to late to change your mind. ( Slips off his shirt )
Twig: ( rolls her eyes ) as much as I would like to do it with you I can't.
Clover: why ( pouts )
Twig: Clover we're 14.
Clover: so. It doesn't mean we can't have fun. ( Gets on top of her ) one time pleeeeeeeease.
Twig: Clover no.
Clover: At least a kiss.
Twig: If you wanted a kiss you could've just asked ( grabs his face and kisses him as passionately as she could )

Clover started kissing back without hesitation. Clover accidentally licked her lips asking for an entrance. She pulled back in suprise. Clover got scared that he made her feel uncomfortable. But instead she pulled his face to hers and she began french kissing him. He moaned as he felt their tongues entwined. Twig ( like her brother ) was a fantastic kisser. She was good when it came to stuff like this. Clover realized that his crotch was throbbing a little bit. He prayed that Twig would not notice. But it was too late for that. She felt it and she pulled back in suprise.

Twig: I think that's enough for now.
Clover: sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable.
Twig: No Clover it's ok. It happens to everybody. And if you want my honesty. I kinda wet myself a little bit.
Clover: Are you serious ?
Twig: hey you can't blame me.
Clover: your right I can't. Goodnight baby.

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