Colors come back

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( quick thing to say in this chapter. Twig can shape shift into any animal she wants). The other trolls where caught and put into the 2 pots. Clover was put in along with Iris and Twig while peppy was with poppy. Everyone's colors had faded. Branch and Twig looked around and everybody was just like them. They both new what they had to do. Twig sang to clover and Iris, branch sang to poppy.
Twig and branch:
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged, oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there

And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you

Poppy looked at branch as soon he finished that. Clover looked at twig as soon as she finished that verse.

Clover and Poppy
So don't be afraid
to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Twig and branch:
I see your true colors
Shining through (true colors)
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful (they're beautiful)
Like a rainbow

as they were singing everybody's colors came back even branch and Twig had color ( that's right now Twig magic is unlimited and she won't die ). After the song finished branch and Poppy hugged while Iris, Clover, and Twig hugged.
( Lemme Skip 😂)
Poppy and the others heard the pot opening. They thought their time was up when they saw Bridget's face and Bridget tipped the pot over. But Bridget if you and Brianna go in there without us you know what they'll do poppy said worried. It's okay poppy Bridget said while helping Brianna open the other pot. Then both tipped the other pot over. Okay everybody find your families and get out of here Brianna said to the other half of trolls. Everybody did what she said. The snack pack found their loved ones all except for branch and Poppy. Twig, Iris, and Clover were nowhere to be found. Clover and Iris saw poppy and they went running to her. POPPY they both called joyfully in Union. CLOVER, IRIS thank goodness your okay Poppy said hugging both her siblings tightly. Branch looked at poppy hugging her siblings and smiled. He continued to look for his little sister. So that's branch Iris asked while pointing at the blue troll. Yeah.. why poppy said.   We have someone you need to see poppy Clover said. He brought twig in front of him. Poppy knew who it was right away. Wow Twig is that you poppy asked. Yeah twig said. Wow you look just like your brother poppy said. Twig smiled but asked: where is my brother anyway. Standing right behind you clover said. Twig quickly turned around and saw her big brother smiling at her. She hugged branch nearly knocking him over. I love you too she said. He then hugged her back. WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR REUNIONS WE NEED TO GET BACK HOME NOW Fireza said leading all the other trolls to the escape tunnels. Branch broke the hug and grabbed her hand and led her to the tunnels with the others. Poppy had tears in her eyes before she turned around and joined the group. 
( Sorry I'm skipping again )
As Bridget and gristle held hands looking at each other smiling the other trolls smiled to. Don't listen to her their is one way to be happy MY WAY chef said snatching branch in her grip. Twig was not happy when she did this. She got extremely mad, her eyes turned blood red and she took the form of a blue cat with sharp teeth. She jumped on the chef and bit her arm. The chef dropped branch and he landed on the table with the other trolls. The chef then slammed twig against the wall. Twig was fine but her wing was severely dislocated. She groaned in pain as she grabbed her wing looking at the huge bruise on it. Ow she said touching the bruise. Branch and the others quickly ran to her. Twig you okay are you hurt branch asked his little sister. Yeah I'm fine, but my wing is bruised Twig said. Here let me see it branch said. Twig opened her wing letting branch examine it. Well you have huge bruise but you'll be okay branch told her. Do you still have that dust you carry around with you branch asked. Don't I always Twig said handing him a small cloth bag. ( Yeah twig has this magic dust she carries around with her in case of injuries. the dust heals any kind of sickness or injury). Branch took a small amount of dust from the bag and sprinkled it on his sister's wing. With that the bruise disappeared. Twig then flew in the air and used her magic to send chef, Creek and Brooke flying far from Bergen Town. She flew back to her big brother nearly knocking him over when she hugged him. He happily hugged her back. After everybody sang can't stop the feeling Poppy and branch lifted in the air and were hugging on top of a mushroom. ( Meanwhile with twig and Iris on the ground) . You know I gave it a lot of thought and I want you to have this Twig said handing Iris a small golden box. Iris open the box and there she saw a necklace that looks just like Twig's. That's right it's a necklace of mythical trolls. Are you serious Iris asked looking at her new best friend. I'm serious Twig said. Thank you so much Iris said pulling Twig into a death hug. Iris you're choking me twig said weakly. Sorry I just love it so much Iris said letting go of twig. As soon as Iris put on the necklace she grew wings that were the exact same color as her skin tone and she had magic powers just like twig. And with that everyone lived in Perfect Harmony and 2 certain siblings have bonded it again.
Well guys thanks so much for reading my story and next stop is through the trolls holiday event and then we're going right into a broppy story.

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