An aca-mazing wedding

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Tiffany was getting fixed up for her wedding with help from the girls. While Spencer was getting help from the guys.

Tiffany: I'm so nervous.
Twig: about the wedding or our performance.
Tiffany: both.
Twig: well it's ok Tiffany,  remember your not alone. We're here with you. ( Puts more flowers in her hair ).
Tiffany: Thanks.
Twig: no prob cuz.
Tiffany: So you guys really don't mind if I decided for the brides maids wear matching dresses.
Iris: of course not.


All the girls:

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All the girls:

All the girls:

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Tiffany: thanks for agreeing to be maid of honor Poppy

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Tiffany: thanks for agreeing to be maid of honor Poppy.
Poppy: Your very welcome Tiffany.
Twig: You ready to walk down that aisle.
Tiffany: Heck yeah I am.
Twig: that's the spirit.
Poppy: Let's do it.

( With the guys )
Spencer: she said she has a special treat for the party ?
Branch: so you don't know about it either.
Spencer: no. It must be special if they haven't told anyone.
Branch: I'm wondering myself.
Clover: Well we can't tell you.
Ray: your gonna have to find out at the party.
Spencer: looks like we're going to have to wait.
Branch: I guess so.

( At the aisle )
Spencer: man I'm so nervous. What if she backs out, what if she says no, what if-.
Spencer: your right I need to calm down. ( Adjusts his bowtie )

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