Bucky x Reader Dancing

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A/N I hate the ending but it's okay. Enjoy.

prompt: you see Bucky drinking with his friends and ask him to dance.


As you enter the bar, your mood instantly lifts. The atmosphere is full of people laughing and enjoying themselves, some by drinking and some by dancing. You think that perhaps you should've invited some of your friends as now you can't really dance, which looks like a lot of fun.

You head towards the bar and order yourself a pint of beer. You may be a woman but that does not mean you won't enjoy yourself after a long day at work. As you sip on your beverage and watch the people dancing, the tenseness in your shoulders starts to lift and you can feel yourself starting to sway slightly to the music.

You haven't danced with a partner in a long time, and you find yourself wanting to more and more. Just as you're about to order another drink, a raucous of laughter erupts from behind a nearby wall. You walk towards the noise, your feet automatically trying to find the source of entertainment and as you round the corner, you see a table full of young soldiers drinking and laughing together.

Normally that many obnoxious looking young men would dissuade you and you would turn back around, but one of the men catches your eye. His handsome features and long brown hair draw your gaze, and you see his dazzlingly blue eyes light up in happiness when he says something that causes his companions to laugh loudly again. These soldiers seem to be celebrating something, and not being one to shy away from the possibility of a fun time or new friends, you walk toward the table.

"Mind if I join you fellas? I could use some good company." You say as you approach the men. All of their eyes lift up to yours and you can't help but feel slightly self-conscious. Their faces all seem to show approval and one of the men, with a spectacular moustache, drunkenly states that you could sit on his lap. The other men laugh and one or two look at you with a slight apology in their eyes.

The man you were eyeing earlier rolls his eyes, stands up and offers you his seat. "Here, you can take my seat while I go and find another chair." His voice was slightly raspy with the affects of alcohol, but it's sound made your knees slightly weak. You sit down, giving him a look of thanks.

"So what are you boys celebrating tonight? You seem to be drinking the bar dry." You start up the conversation as the attractive man comes back and scoots his seat in tight next to yours. The table was now very full with chairs and you couldn't move your seat easily because of how jammed it was. But it wasn't unpleasantly so, in fact, it made you feel welcome in their little group.

"Well, we just escaped from being held captive with the help of the one and only captain America, and now he's asking us to help him back by sacrificing our lives. So we obviously said yes, but on the condition we get to drink tonight!" The moustache man says. "I'm Dugan by the way, pleasure to meet ya lass. What's a lady like yourself doing in a bar alone tonight?" he questions. Unlike how you expected, the question didn't come off as patronising in any way, he just seemed genuinely curious.

"Well Dugan, I just got off work at the hospital and its been a stressful day at work so I came here to unwind. A good old cup of something strong and music seemed like a good idea. But I don't need to talk about that, you lot just came back from battling in the war for god's sake. I'll tell you what; I'll give you a round on me, if I can stay here with you guys." And as those words left your mouth, another round of cheers went up from the group. And you knew these men would be excellent company for the evening.

You got up from the table to go and order a round for the men and you felt a presence follow you to the bar.

"Now that was very kind of you doll. Say, tell me your name so I can give a lady a proper thanking?" The handsome man says, a teasing gleam in his eyes with his mouth pulled into a slight smirk.

"I'm Y/N, and it's no trouble really. You're putting yourselves of the line to keep the likes of us safe, so I wanted to repay you with something. And what do I call you soldier?" You reply, with a hint of flirtation in your voice in response.

"You can call me Bucky, doll." He says and moves towards you, confusing you slightly and causing your breathing to quicken, and as he snakes an arm behind you, you feel even more confused. But when his hand comes back holding a beer, you realise the barkeep has placed the round on the counter behind you. You flush, a bit embarrassed and turn around to help Bucky deliver the drinks to his friends.

As you sit back down again though, you notice Bucky's arm drapes behind you on the back of your chair. And for a while you just sit there, with his body close to you, laughing along with the soldiers and listening to tales of their adventures.

A few drinks later, the boys are very comfortable around you and treat you as if you've known each other for your whole lives. You can tell its mainly the alcohol, but you just sit and enjoy yourself, seeing as you stopped drinking a while ago, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of your new friends. As another nostalgic tale is begun, Bucky turns to you and shifts your focus onto him.

"Having a good time tonight doll? I hope the company isn't too terrible." He utters quietly so it's a private conversation between the two of you. To do so, he had to lean in closer to you and you can feel his breath on your neck.

"I am, thank you. But you know what, I want to dance." And with that you push your chair back, causing his arm to fall down, and stand up, holding out your hand. "Will you dance with me Buck?" you ask, looking at him through your lashes, trying to seem as persuasive as possible, but you can't hide your grin.

"If you want to doll, I'm all for it." And he stands up and takes your hand. Raising his voice so the others can hear him he says "Y/N and I are going to dance, don't do anything stupid." And leads you to the dance floor.

You dance to the song playing, tucked in Bucky's arms and swaying together. You can't help but feel that you were made to dance together, as you move in sync and your moves compliment each other perfectly. You converse about trivial things, like your favourite colour and what your family is like, but you also talk about serious things like what the future holds for you each. Among the conversation, Bucky never ceases to take the opportunities to joke and make you laugh. It's one of the best nights you've had in a while.

You don't notice how much time has passed until Bucky's soldier friends start coming up to say their goodbye's. They all say how much they enjoyed the night and that they hope they see you again, but Bucky never once leaves your side, you take breaks from dancing to wish them well, but as soon as they're gone, you pick right back up.

The other people in the bar dwindled out a while ago and the band announced that the previous song was their last. You reluctantly break away from Bucky's grip.

"Thank you for tonight Bucky, I really needed to relax."

"Y/N, I wish I could repeat tonight over and over. I enjoyed spending time with you immensely. Can... Do you think we could do it again?" He asked, hesitating for a second before sounding confident and suave.

"I'd love to see you again Buck." And as those words left your mouth, he gathered you in his arms and held you in a warm embrace. You knew you'd see a lot more of this man, and if the fluttering in your chest and the sparks you had felt all night told you anything, it was that you'd really enjoy that time, and he would too.

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