Pietro x OC: Running through his mind

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A/N: I decided I wanted to change up the formatting, 'cause second person was kind of limiting and boring me, so I wanted to try more third person. So this oc (Laura) will basically replace the reader in the text. Of course, these oneshots don't happen in the same timeline; so it's just her name and maybe her personality and appearance that will carry over. If you don't like oc stories, feel free to put in your name instead while you are reading. I hope you all welcome the change. Speaking of change; here is my first non-Bucky oneshot. Let's hope I can continue writing more lmao. Let me know in the comments what you think of the new pov and also if you think I did a good job at portraying Pietro. Thanks for your patience.


Pietro was always good at running. Only, he had experiments done to him that increased that knack just a slight bit. So it only seemed natural that he could use his special skill to help the people of the world. He had been working at shield for a few months, and was surprised at how different he had thought it would be. Growing up, he and Wanda had always thought that Stark was the scum of the earth, and that shield, by association, was a corrupt organisation that didn't care about earth's inhabitants. However, he quickly learnt this was wrong.

When Pietro and his sister realised their mistake of helping Ultron, they also realised how hard Tony was trying to fix, and compensate for his dealings in the weapon industry. They forgave him after a while, but as soon as Pietro saw the SHIELD heli-carriers, coming to save as many of the people of Sokovia they could, he saw how important the work that they do was. Besides, working as an avenger for SHIELD had a few benefits. He had his sister by his side, a captain that he didn't hate giving him jobs, and; he was able to live in a pretty cool building.

The avengers tower was certainly an adjustment in the beginning, what with the living in a skyscraper and all. He Pietro didn't have as much space to move around in as he would normally enjoy and he was generally used to living close to the woods or just surrounded by lots of land. He got to run whenever he went on missions, and he decided that that was okay.

Pietro and the Avengers had been visiting a small country within Europe, when all hell broke loose. They instantly suited up and listened to Tony and the Captain's rundown for each of their assigned missions. Some 'punk' (that's what Steve had called him) had decided to whir up trouble by inventing several suites, for him and his friends, trying to rival Iron Man's. Pietro was told to evacuate all of the citizens on the ground to a safe distance away, so they could ensure as many citizen's safety as possible.

He'd thought he'd removed all of the people he could from the vicinity and was on his way toward the main fight when he saw a girl trapped inside her house. He approached the building without her seeing him, and as he moved closer, he noticed her grumbling to herself.

"Of course, the one freaking time something interesting happens here, and this stupid door decides to not work. Its not like the avengers are here or anything, no. There is absolutely. Zero. DANGER". At the end of that little spiel, she had tried shaking the door, her words growing more frustrated and even being released from her mouth in time with her rattling of the door. Pietro couldn't help but smile faintly when he heard her say that, when he noticed what he was looking for. The grin on his face grew as he moved toward the beam that had fallen and blocked the exit to her house.

"I'm here to get you out of danger. Just step back from the door please, your shaking is making it more and more likely that I'll loose a finger while trying to rescue you. That's not really a nice way to say thanks is it?" He bent down to move the beam and noticed with satisfaction how the girl instantly quietened and he heard steps retreating. With a big huff he pushed the wood completely out of the way and opened the door to see her stricken face. He held the door open and gestured with an obnoxious bow; "Your path awaits ma'am.". She took a few steps outside of the building and glanced at the door.

Marvel OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora