Steve x OC: Museum Meeting

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry this chapter is late, I was busy last night, but I wanted to get something up this week anyway. I'll try to update next week, but tests are starting up so I might not be able to. I don't really like this chapter, but my friend gave me the idea so I wanted to write it. Let me be clear that I loved the idea, I just don't think I executed it as well as it should have been executed. Hope my writing suffices though.


Yasmin knocked at the familiarly yellow door with resignation. The door belonged to her uncle and aunt, and she stood out the front of their house because they had asked her to babysit her cousin. Yasmin did love her cousin, he was funny and fairly intelligent for his age, but he still had that little-kid-annoyance to him. Her uncle paid her quite generously for her services, so she always put up wit it.

Babysitting used to be fun. Yasmin would sit down with Charlie and read him stories, or build forts together and watch a movie. They even used to go to the park when it was nice weather. But a few months ago, an exhibit was created at the national history museum, dedicated to Captain America and his efforts in the war.

The first few times Charlie begged to go, Yasmin found herself enjoying it. She had always had an inclination towards history, but when she was deciding on her course of study for the future, she realised jobs in that field were pretty limited.

But Charlie kept asking again and again to go to this exhibit. They had been so often that Yasmin could recite the words that come over the PA when people entered. This was why she was not looking forward to this particular day.

The door opened to a grateful smile planted on her uncle's face. As she stepped in the house, she was engulfed in a warm embrace from her uncle, as well as the heavenly scent of something being baked. Her aunt, although not very talkative, was an excellent baker. Yasmin remembered all of her friends being jealous of the cakes at her birthday parties, all of which her aunt baked.

"Hey there uncle. Is little Charlie ready to go?" She asked, failing to hide a smile when she heard a small humph followed by rushed footsteps. They footsteps stopped and Yasmin looked downwards, to see her nine year old cousin staring up at her with a pout on his face.

"I'm not little Yas. I'm 9! I go to school, AND I'm in year 4!" He glared at her, but she saw his mouth twitch slightly, which indicated that he was quite proud of himself.

"Sorry Charlie, my bad. You're practically an adult!" she smiled down at him. At the word 'adult', she saw Charlie shake his head and pull a disgusted face.

"No, that would mean I have to clean my room all the time. I just want to play, not do boring adult things."

Yasmine didn't respond verbally, she just ruffled his hair and grabbed his backpack while he tied his shoes. As she ushered Charlie out the door, she confirmed to her uncle that she would look after his son, and have him home by 6. That left Charlie in her care for 7 whole hours. Yasmine tutted under breath, knowing that at least two of them would be spent at the Cap exhibit.

She asked Charlie what he wanted to do, more out of courtesy than anything else. This was why it wasn't a surprise that he responded with; "Can we please go to the Captain America museum? I promise I'll be good, and we can even go to the other parts of the museum first! Pretty please Yas?"

No matter how much she didn't want to go for the umpteenth time, she made the mistake of looking directly into Charlie's eyes and lost her internal battle. Besides, she told herself, she could always come up with something to make him 'pay'.

With a groan she agreed, which caused Charlie to laugh happily, grab her hand and lead her towards her car. She couldn't help but smile a little too, as his happiness radiated off of him in waves. Yasmin made sure her cousin was all buckled in, and then told him that they would have lunch near the museum, as by the time they'd get to the exhibit, it would be time for a meal. He reluctantly agreed, and when they pulled into a parking spot, Yasmine noticed how his stomach grumbled. He looked at her sheepishly, after all of his complaining, and Yasmine just laughed and ushered him into the small café.

Marvel OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora