Bucky x OC: A Cheeky Courtship

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A/N: wow this is up pretty late, but hey, at least it's still Friday right? I am so sorry that this wasn't up near the normal time, but tbh; I completely forgot it was Friday. I like this one though, the ending is slightly rushed but I wanted to get it out for you guys. It also didn't end up how I planned it to, but this is okay too. I hope you enjoy, and remember to let me know what you think. Next week will be someone other than Bucky btw, sorry about the lack of differentiation. Now on with the story.  


Arden thought that she was a pretty responsible person. She worked hard and looked after herself better than most young adults would be able to say. But on one of the most important days of her life thus far, she had to be running late.

Arden had woken up at her normal time, she had gotten showered and dressed probably faster than usual and she had even skipped waiting for the ever-so-slow elevator in her apartment building and rushed down the stairs. No, it wasn't something out of her control that made her late. It was the puppies. She had been speed walking to her destination; trying to get there early so she had time to mentally prepare herself. But as she moved past a store, a moving ball of fluff caught her eye. She instantly stopped in her tracks, and felt herself being drawn into the store, full of the need to pet this adorable creature.

Within a few seconds, Arden had managed to find the dog, and stick a hand through the flap. Has her hand moved closer toward the dog, it all of a sudden moved its nose towards her hand, and she felt something warm but damp sliding over her fingers. He was licking her. She thought she might explode from happiness. The dog wagged its tail at her as she continued to pat it, feeling his soft fur beneath her fingertips. After a few moments, she realised she shouldn't be patting the dog, as she had no intention (but she wasn't without a wish) of purchasing the puppy.

She started backing away, not wanting to stare into the dog's hopeful eyes any longer. She was lost in the dog-induced trance, when she bumped into a man, dressed in a soldier's uniform.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Are you okay? Oh my, I shouldn't even be here!" She rushed out. After making sure he was okay, but before he could say anything to confirm his wellbeing, or say any type of response to her rambling, she was already out of the door, the bell ringing behind her. She turned around and ran in the direction of her goal, and with one last glance at the man, she had rounded the corner and shifted her focus on getting to her job on time.

When Arden finally turned up at the warehouse where she worked, she was relieved to discover that she was barely a few minutes late, which was when most of her colleagues would decide to show up anyway. Arden worked as an aircraft engineer and worked to repair the engines of planes as well as occasionally smaller machines; like motorcycles or automobiles. She'd grown up as the eldest of three girls, and her father loved to teach her everything he knew about engines of all sorts of vehicles; tractors, planes, automobiles and even some boats.

When the call went out saying they needed people to fill the roles of the men that went off to fight the war, Arden and her father went straight to his place of employment and asked for her to be hired. They couldn't deny her skills and credentials, and she had been working there for a month or two.

Arden quickly put on her overalls and moved to her work station, tying up her hair on the way. She had been working peacefully on an engine of a motorcycle for nearly the rest of the morning, when she heard several footsteps coming her way. This was by no means an unusual occurrence around the warehouse; military men occasionally came in to inspect some of the vehicles that were being repaired.

What was so unusual then, about these footsteps? As they approached, Arden heard one of her superiors talking to another two men.

"-of our best working on your engine, I assure you sirs. It should be finished within the next week." She heard the ending of her boss' statement. She couldn't help but feel slightly proud of her work at being called, she assumed, one of the best workers here. Nevertheless, she continued her work, trying to stay professional and finish this task as soon as she could, so she could go home and rest. Today had been a bit of a hectic day for her.

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