Sam x OC: Go Karts.

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A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter is so bad guys. I didn't really have much of an idea where it would go when I started writing, and I think that made this one bad. If you want it, I might make a part 2 for another week. Let me know what you think. :)


Lenna was incredibly bored, standing at the front desk at reception, pasting a smile on her face for the rare customers that came in. You'd think that people would like go-Karting, thought Lenna. She did concede that most of the company's target audience wouldn't be coming in on a Tuesday afternoon but nevertheless, she was slightly annoyed that she had to spend her time just standing there, waiting for someone to come in an give her something to do.

She was typing away on the computer, deciding that she could at least get some of her homework done. Lenna had assumed that once she got to university she wouldn't have to do any homework but her biology teacher had decided to surprise her. He had given them a relatively short research project, one of which the students didn't actually have to do but would 'help them understand the content in a more fulfilling way' and 'make the next assessment easier'. She just thought that he wanted to give her and her classmates a taste of his not-so-relaxed teaching style.

So she was typing away when she heard the sound of the bell ringing, alerting her to some customers presence. She sighed inwardly, preparing to face someone annoying and was pleasantly surprised at what she saw. This time she didn't have to plant a fake smile on her face, just the sight of a group of around 10 people her age, goofing around, amused her. Her smile grew when she saw one of the people, she assumed to be the leader, pull the smallest boy into a loving headlock.

She bought her attention back to the man in front of the counter. He had beautiful dark skin, which was brightened by the cheeky grin she saw him shoot his friend. He glanced back at her and his grin morphed into one of guilt.

"Sorry about Tony. It's Peter's birthday and he likes to remind Peter that he wouldn't know us if it wasn't for Tony. He's a wonderful guy, but he sure can come across as pompous sometimes."

She laughed at his joking demeanour before calming herself and reciting the words she had to say to all of the customers.

"It's not a problem. I'm Lenna, and welcome to Marty's Go-Karts. What can I do for you guys today?"

He smiled at her again. Gee, this man sure is happy today, thought Lenna.

"Could we please get 9 Karts? I've never been here before but we'd probably like to spend like, half an hour on the track, so do we pay for time or by lap?

"Usually big groups just pay for the time. For you guys that'd be $820, is that okay?"

He nodded. "Yep that's great thank you. I'll pay it now and figure out how to split it later. I'll just gather everyone for the instructions?"

She nodded gratefully at him, noticing the man talking to his friends. There were only two girls there, but they all looked like really good friends. They seemed to be wearing matching tee-shirts, all with the letter 'A' on their left sleeves. She thought it was cute for a group of young adults to do something more childish together. By the time she had walked around the counter to their group and gotten some gear on the way, everyone was standing around quietly, waiting to hear what she had to say. Lenna found herself feeling happier just by being around a group of people that clearly cared for each other a lot.

"Alrighty guys, I'm Lenna, nice to meet you all." She paused and the group took the opportunity to enthusiastically say hi back. She noticed the man she had spoken to shaking his head with a small smile on his face. "So I'm sure you'll all be safe but I basically just have to remind you to use the seatbelt, make sure you tighten the helmet enough and I need to tell you that we have manual and automatic cars for you to choose from. I'd recommend the manual so then you can drift easier but if you're not used to driving that kind of car then auto is great too. Make sure you don't try to bang into each other, if there is serious damage then you're going to have to pay for it. Otherwise, enjoy yourselves. You'll have the whole track with just you guys, so it should be really fun."

After her long spiel, the group muttered their thankyou's, which Lenna barely heard over the sounds of their growing excitement. She laughed quietly to herself before following them into the back. She ducked her head into the staff office, letting her boss know that she was going to supervise the group and when he agreed to put someone else on reception duty, she continued on her way.

She arrived at the kart shed, seeing the group already with their helmets on and choosing their karts. Lenna overheard the handsome man she's spoken to complaining about the leg room and leaned down to help him make as much room for his legs as possible. He had shot her yet another smile and thanked her for her help. She walked over towards the employee kart, pulling it into a position that she could jump into if there was a problem that they needed her for. She briefly explained the communications system the helmets had in them, allowing the friends to trash talk each other while driving. She watched their faces light up in excitement and wished them well.

For the next half hour, she watched the group speeding around faster than she had seen anyone else drive on their track before. They're driving was good too, no one had an accident and they managed to adhere to the few rules she had told them. When the time was up, the group had gotten even rowdier than they were when they first arrived. The man paid and started to turn away when he halted and rounded back towards her.

"Hey, My name's Sam and I don't usually do this but my friend dared me to ask you on a date. And I wasn't going to ask, thinking you'd be taken and whatnot, but I thought I heard that your shift ends soon, and not to mention the fact that you're gorgeous, so I thought; 'why not? The worst thing that could happen is that she's taken, and that's okay'. So what do you say Lenna, do you want to grab some dinner with me?"

She had been surprised when he first suggested the idea, but the more she thought about it, and the more he talked to her, the more she felt inclined to accept. He had been nothing but charming since they had met, and he was correct in thinking her shift ended soon. In fact, her boss had told her that as soon as this group left, she was free to go. So, after realising she wanted to get to know this man, she managed to give him a yes. His eyes widened at her agreement and he let out a sigh of relief.

"What, you didn't think I'd say yes?" She asked, genuinely curious as to how a man that looked like and acted like him could possibly think she'd say no. He just responded with a laugh and claimed that he was glad she did. He said goodbye to his friends, some of whom catcalled a little, resulting in a loving but firm punch to the shoulder from Sam. Lenna met him outside the front doors and welcomed the sensation of his hand slipping into hers. They made eye-contact and laughed together, the awkwardness fading away.

"So what shall it be m'lady?" Sam asked after a few minutes of walking, in an overly posh way.

She pretended to ponder for a moment before replying in an equally atrocious accent, "The finest burger around, kind sir!". They walked down the street, arms swinging together as they told each other the little things about each other. For example, Sam confirmed his hate of vehicles with no leg room and told Lenna of a story about how he had nearly punched someone with a mutual friend because he didn't move his seat in a car. When he saw the slightly shocked expression on Lenna's face, he assured her that they were okay now, he might even call them friends.

They stopped outside of a cosy looking restaurant and took one look at each other before climbing the stairs to their first (and hopefully not last) date.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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