Peter x OC: A First Date

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A/N: I am really excited for this chapter. Again, I feel like I could have executed it a bit better, but I just adore Peter (especially Tom Holland's rendition of him) and I hope that his personality shone through. Enjoy, and let's hope next Friday I actually update early ay?


With the warm sun shining through the small window in his room, Peter automatically fell into a good mood that morning. He stretched his arms above his head, being careful not to hit his hands on his bunk bed, and then slowly sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his face. Peter had the weekend off of any Avenger-related activities and Mr Stark had told him to stay in Queens and spend time around his neighbourhood.

Being the smart person Peter was, he had already finished most of his homework, with a discussion remaining for his science report. He decided to go into the kitchen and make his breakfast, before bringing it back into his room to finish. He stepped out of his room, noticing Aunt May's absence in the living area. Either she was asleep or out, and when he saw the note on the fridge; he learnt that she had gone to purchase some groceries, adding that even though he was a growing boy, he needed to learn to eat less food. He scoffed at that, knowing full well that his aunt ate with the habits of a hardworking tradesman.

Once he had his fruit-loops served, Peter sat down at his desk in his room, preparing to knock his report out of the way so he could enjoy his weekend. He had been working for about half an hour, with only a few sentences left when he heard the jingle of keys that indicated his aunt's return. He turned towards the door, just in time to see May stick her head through his door to see if he was awake.

"Hey there Peter. What are you working on this early in the morning?"

He smiled with humour before responding, "First, it's 10 o'clock, that is not early. Second, you were up before me and third... I'm just finishing my science homework." Aunt May grinned back at him before her facial expression changed to one of curiosity.

"What time was that date you told me about. You do remember that that's today right?" Peter stilled at the mention of his date. He had forgotten that it was this weekend. But as soon as the worry kicked in, he relaxed again.

"It's okay, Charlotte and I are meeting up at 1 for lunch. We're going to a café just a few blocks away, so I'm all good." Peter didn't mention to his aunt just how nervous he was for the date, but he thought that she probably could already tell.

A few weeks ago, a spunky brunette had transferred into his AP chemistry class and sat on the bench next to his and Ned's. She planted herself on the chair and looked to see if the teacher was ready to start the class, and confirming that he wasn't, she turned to Peter and Ned and introduced herself. Since then, the boys had gotten to know her and they had all become friends. When Peter was alone with Charlotte, instead of being nervous (like he normally was around people he liked) he was super comfortable and was still his smart and charming self. Yes, that's correct, Peter started to like her.

He had first noticed his feelings when they had been so caught up in chatting that the teacher gave them a warning to be quiet. Peter was normally an attentive student, and he realised that he just wanted to spend time with her. So just the week before, he asked Charlotte on a date. She just smiled at him and said that she would love to, before pulling him into a hug and on release, continuing their usual banter.

Charlotte was a beautiful, caring, smart and funny girl, which was what he told his aunt the night before he asked her out. Aunt may had squealed so loudly that he complained to her that their neighbours would knock on their door to see if they were okay. His complaint faced deaf ears though, as his aunt launched into asking him millions of questions about her. As she slowed down with her interrogation, he noticed her grinning at his replies. After about 10 minutes of them talking about her, Aunt May promptly told him that he should toughen up and ask her out. And being the loving nephew that he was, Peter did what he was told.

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