Bucky x OC: Surprising

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A/N: Okay team; I know this is kind of late, and also really short; but I just wanted to get this one in here. I thought that this chapter would turn out pretty differently, but I still enjoyed the super fluff it turned into. Basically nothing happens except for some cuteness from our soldier boi. There was also some updating problems last week, so make sure to go and read the chapter I posted then! Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback in the comments! :)

The evening sky was a beautiful shade of orange when Arden pulled into the driveway. She had been eating lunch out with her friends when her phone buzzed, letting her know someone was trying to call her. She had excused herself from the chatter, and pulled out her phone and was greeted with the funny face Bucky was pulling. She smiled as she moved the phone to her ear.

"Hello Deer. What's up? You do know I'm having lunch with the girls right?" Her gaze moved to the mocking expressions on her friends faces, Natasha making kissy faces at her. It seems they had guessed who she was talking to.

"Haha good joke. Yes I do know, which is why I'll keep this short. Steve is leaving town for a few days and asked me if I wanted to house sit. Seeing as his house is better than mine, I obviously said yes. So I called to ask you if you wanted to come with me and keep me company. Steve said that would be fine, as long as we don't use his bed." Arden snorted at that. She kept forgetting that as innocent as he may act, Steve is a grown man and can be quite dirty. True, the moments he makes a dirty remark are few and far between, but around Bucky, they seem to be more frequent. The two seem to bring out the child in each other.

"Yeah sure, that sounds like fun. What time do you want me there?"

"Come at 5. I want to do something for you." Oh no, she thought, here come the nerves.

After they said a quick goodbye, Arden wondered back towards the group. She was met with some questions regarding the call, and after she told them that Bucky was planning something, they awed and then returned to their previous conversation.

When she pulled into the driveway of Steve's house, her stomach felt like it had been invaded with butterflies. She had no idea what James was planning, but the excitement and anticipation of the surprise left her nervous. Arden opened her car door and started moving to the front door of Steve's house. He had been living in an apartment for a while, but decided that he needed an actual house. Arden hoped that it was because Steve was going to get a dog.

She stepped back after ringing the doorbell, taking a deep breath in to calm herself. The door opened and Bucky stepped out to welcome her. He planted a chaste kiss on her lips, before pulling away and bouncing with excitement. "I hope you like your surprise. I didn't complete it 'cause I thought you would want to help me. Now come in, I wanna see your reaction!" And he ushered her inside, firmly closing the door and planting his hand on her lower back, leading Arden towards the lounge room.

As soon as they rounded the corner to the lounge, Arden's face radiated joy. She turned to Bucky and gave him a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek. He had set out so many cushions on the floor, pushed back the couches in front of the TV and collected a variety of blankets, with them placed next to the pillows. They were going to build a fort.

Arden moved towards the pile with a giggle, remembering the first time they had made a fort together. It was their fourth date and Arden was feeling sick and told him that they had to cancel, but Bucky brought movies and soup to her house and they just enjoyed each other company. Bucky had claimed that it felt wrong to watch a movie without a fort when there were so many possibilities right in front of them, so they built a rather bad one, but they each loved it because they did it together.

For the next twenty minutes, Arden and Bucky designed and built a solid fort. The couches were moved to form the three walls of their refuge, while they placed lots of cushions and blankets on the ground to create a soft place for them to lie on. They placed a floor lamp in one of the outside corners to give them light and also to provide support to their build. Finally, they draped a blanket over the tv, connecting is as a part of their fort.

They stood back for just a moment, proud of their efforts, when Bucky exclaimed that he was going to make popcorn in the kitchen and that Arden should pick a few movies she wanted to watch. Without thinking anything of it, Arden went on all her fours and crawled into the space. It was like magic. The fort seemed pretty small from the outside, but on the inside, the space seemed large but simultaneously cosy.

She nestled herself in a comfy position, before flipping on the tv and trying to find something she thought they'd both enjoy. She had chosen 4 possible movie options by the time she heard the entrance of the tent being parted. She glanced away from the screen to see Bucky holding a picnic basket and a bottle of wine. Her mouth parted in awe, surprised that Bucky had made the effort to create a paradise with her, but also to make a filling meal. She patted the spot next to her and grabbed the basket for James while he settled himself down in his pot.

Arden dug through the treats, finding some of her favourite foods, as well as some of Bucky's that she sensed he tried to smuggle in. She held up the salty pretzels and met his sheepish gaze with a questioning one.

"I knew you hadn't tried them before and I absolutely adore them, so I wanted to share the experience with you. I hope you're ready for some culinary adventure. Now quit eyeing the food because we are not eating until we choose a movie. So what are my options?" She cooed in her head that he was yet again so thoughtful, and shifted to tell him the movies she wanted.

"So there is obviously The Princess Bride, best movie ever, then there is The Proposal, Star Wars: Empire or Mr and Mrs Smith."

"Well we've seen The Princess Bride so many times. I'm not complaining, but that can be next movie night. I don't feel like watching Star Wars or the Proposal tonight, so let's go with some spies!"

She laughed at his enthusiasm. He hadn't seen it before but Arden talked about the movie the other week, saying how it included spies, action and romance, so Bucky knew the basic plot. They selected the movie and tucked into their delicious meal; consisting of steak and salad for the main, and plenty of snacks to keep them alive for the next few hours. They enjoyed their food, showing each other their weird food combination obsessions, and they watched the movie, with Bucky laughing and even throwing some popcorn at the screen before shielding himself from Arden's mock attacks, claiming that he would be the reason she died of starvation if he kept throwing their food.

After the movie finished, the pair were too tired to head up the stairs to the bed, so they cuddled up on the floor of Steve's lounge. They still had three more days before Steve returned and kicked them out, so they would make the most of it the next day. But at that moment, cuddled together under their blanket creation, murmuring sweet nothings to each other (along with some cheesy jokes on Arden's behalf), they felt happy and serene. In no time, they drifted off into a peaceful sleep, with their bellies and their hearts full, excited for the next day ahead.

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