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I shoved my hands in my pockets and had a good look around. A hundred and fifty square feet. It was bit dusty, that's for sure. It needed some repairs here and there but nothing I couldn't handle, even with my bad arm. The walls needed to be repainted and the floors could do some remodeling, but apart from some things here and there, it was perfect. It was a two story space, with spiral stairs going up to the second floor, from where you could see downward. A storage room in the back with a little space to the side for the bathroom.

I took a deep breath as Mr. Green kept talking about how good my purchase would be, as if I wasn't convinced already.

"So what kind of business do you have in mind?" he asked standing next to me.


"Really? Well, that would probably do well in this area, with all the coffee shops and hipsters."

I smiled at that, "Yeah, that's the plan. That's why I liked this place, too. Location, location, location."

"So, we agree on the price?"

"Yes, sir. We have a deal."

I shook his hand and he couldn't be happier. Of course, it wasn't the amount he was asking for, but the place needed some things done, so when I made a reasonable counter offer, he couldn't refuse.

The next few days, I spent getting someone to help me with the floor, the painting and adding one thing or two.

Faye called a few times. I knew how it should look from her point of view, we hadn't said word to each other in over a week and now that she was calling I wasn't picking up. But nothing further from the truth. I wanted to apologize, explain to her that things were still a bit raw to me and that it didn't mean I didn't appreciate her friendship. It was just difficult. I saw her as my girlfriend, the woman I would marry for so long that now, knowing she had moved on with my best friend was a tough pill to swallow.

But I couldn't kick her out of my life. I would much rather swallow that pill than not having her in any form. She was family to me. She still is. So after she called every day for five days, after I felt I could keep my stuff together speaking to her, I decided it was time for me to return her calls.

I went home that day at seven thirty, I got home, ate with my mom, my dad and my brother. We couldn't be any further away from a family, but dad still wanted to pretend. I think he believed mom would end up forgiving him if he stuck around long enough for her to get used to his presence.

After dinner, I did the dishes, which got my mother pleasantly surprised.

I went to my bedroom, picked up my phone and stood in front of the mirror.

"Hey, Faye, how's it going?" I snorted "God; that was pathetic, no, no. Come on. How about, Hey, sorry, you've been calling, I've been kinda busy." I snorted again and tapped my forehead against the mirror.

In the end, I decided the best thing I could do was to let things come to me. I dialed her phone and waited. After three rings, she picked up. "Wow, look who decided to show up," she was angry, no need to be a genius to figure that one out.

"Yeah, I... I've been busy."

"Ignoring me, I know."

"That's not true. I... I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry about what I said last time. I just..."

"That's not what I want from you."

"Then what―?"

"I want you to let me in!" she cut me off "I want you to trust me again, I don't want you to put this wall between us, Riley. Let me... just let me be there for you."

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