Chapter 3: Backstage

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As I walked down the steps, I heard Niall start singing "You and I" and the crowd roared. I walked towards the back of the stage and smiled as I saw Christine walking towards me.

"See? You did great! I saw a little of the performance here and there, and from what I saw, I could tell there's something different about you." I raised a brow as a smile appeared on her face. "You're not just a lucky girl, you're a special girl." She emphasized the word "special".

I turned my head, trying to figure out what she meant. "What do you mean, I'm a 'special' girl?"

She must have seen the confusion and worry in my eyes, because she instantly laughed once I asked my question. "I think Niall has taken quite a liking to you."

My heart immediately began racing when she said those words. I think Niall has taken quite a liking to you. I replayed those words over and over, but quickly dismissed her statement. I just met Niall! I'm not a beautiful model or a famous singer; I'm just an average high school teenager that's obsessed with One Direction. Niall would never have a crush on me. What the hell was she talking about?

I was snapped out of my argument with my conscious as Christine cleared her throat. "Sorry, I spaced out," I told her.

She nodded. "I'm serious though...he's not like that with the other girls that the boys sing to. He usually stays off to the side of the stage like the other boys did towards the end of the song. Niall is more shy around girls than Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn...well, on stage, at least."

I decided to change the subject, too uncomfortable with this conversation. "Niall told me to tell John my seats so my friend Sarah could come backstage too. That's cool, right?"

She smiled. "Of course! Just give me your ticket and I'll have John go find her for you. There's some food and drinks over there," she told me, pointing down a hallway. "It's the second door on the left. I'll have Sarah meet you there. Feel free to take whatever you want."

"Thanks so much for all your help Christine," I said, hugging her.

"Of course! I just realized I never caught your name."

"Brooke," I told her, pulling away from our hug.

"Well Brooke, it was so nice meeting you. I would say goodbye, but I think I'll be seeing you again soon," she said, winking before she walked away to find John, the security guard.

I rolled my eyes as I walked down the hallway. I went into the room Christine pointed to. I almost fell backwards. The room was filled with amazing food: pizza, donuts, pastries, bagels, cookies, soda, coffee. I reminded myself that I'd be seeing Niall later, so I decided on just a coffee. I sat down on one of the striped sofas. There was a TV on the wall showing the concert, so I decided to watch the boys singing some of their newer songs: "Through the Dark," "Strong," and "Something Great." The boys began singing "Does He Know?" as the door flew open.

I spun around to see Sarah looking at me, eyes wide. "Brooke! What in the hell?! The boys sang to you? Zayn touched your cheek? Niall held your hands and kissed you?!" She was screaming while jumping up and down. "I can't believe this! But bitch, why couldn't it have been me?"

I laughed so hard that I had to hold my stomach. I actually started crying. As I wiped my eyes, I responded, saying, "hey, you're backstage, aren't you? You'll get to meet all the boys. I guess I will too, since I didn't get the proper introduction," I giggled.

She turned to look at the table of food. Sarah immediately grabbed a plate and started filling it with shit.

"Didn't you hear me?" I asked her. "All of the boys, including Harry, will be coming back here. Do you really wanna stuff your face right now?" She frowned, putting all of the food back.

"Damn it, I guess you're right. But before we leave, I'm taking a plate full of food," she said. We both fell into a fit of laughter. "What? I know I eat like a fat ass and I'm proud of it." She walked over, joining me on the sofa as we watched our favorite band finish the concert.

About a half hour later, the concert finally ended. The boys thanked the fans for coming out tonight and ran off the stage. I could hear them discussing the songs and the crowd's reaction. I heard Niall say my name, and my cheeks flushed. I know Sarah heard too, because she looked at me and laughed when she saw my reaction.

The door opened and the boys came walking in. Sarah and I smiled at them, but they didn't even notice us; they went straight to the food. As they were stacking their plates, I cleared my throat. They all turned, noticing our presence.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry, I forgot you guys would be here," Louis said, setting his plate down. He walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm Louis; it's nice to meet you, Brooke."

The boys introduced themselves to Sarah and I one by one. When Harry hugged Sarah, I swear her knees almost gave out. I covered my mouth, trying not to let my laugh slip out.

Finally Niall reached me. "Nice to see you again, Brooke," he smiled, pulling me in for a hug. God, he smelled amazing.

"It's nice to see you again too, Niall," I grinned. "And all of you too, of course." The boys smiled back at me.

"How'd you girls like the concert?" Harry asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Sarah beat me to it. "It was amazing! You guys are incredible! I can't believe I'm taking to all of you right now. I've listened to your album like crazy, and I-"

I cleared my throat loudly, and she finally stopped rambling, obviously taking the hint.

Harry roared with laughter and Sarah's face turned bright red. "Well, glad you liked it," he told her, smiling widely.

Niall turned to me. "How'd you like it?"

"It was amazing, especially being called up on stage. I almost passed out, but it was something I'll never forget."

"Good," he said, smiling as his eyes drifted to the ground. Was he nervous around me?

Before I could answer my question, my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I looked at the Caller was my mom. Great. "Hello?"

"Brooke! How's the concert? When will you be home?"

"Mom, I'm actually backstage right now with One Direction."

She ignored me. "Do you see what time it is? It's past 11:00 and you were supposed to be home by 10:30. Be back in the next hour or you're grounded," she said as the line went dead.

It's not every day you meet One Direction. I sighed, but decided I wasn't gonna listen to her threat. I'm a senior in high school; I'm an adult. She doesn't get to boss me around anymore. I'm staying as late as I want, and if she has a problem, I really don't give a shit.

I forgot Niall was standing in front of me. "Was that your mum? Do you need to go home?"

I debated telling him what she told me, but decided against it. "Nope, unless you want me to go?"

"No, no, no. Stay as long as you want. You guys should hang out with us. You could come to our tour bus too if you want."

My eyes went wide; I wasn't expecting that reaction. I quickly recovered. "That sounds amazing, Niall," I smiled. Sarah looked over to me, winking.

This was going to be an amazing night.

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