Chapter 21: Roller Coaster

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"Dad?" I breathe out weakly, breath hitched. "Wh--what are you...doing here?"

"Hey babe," I hear Niall call out, his footsteps growing louder. "We need to talk about the other night when we almost--"

"NIALL!" I yell, cutting him off. He looks over at me, raising a brow in confusion. I stare back at him, widening my eyes and motioning to the open door. Niall furrows his brows and when his eyes look into mine, they show concern. As Niall slowly strides to the front door, he stops dead in his tracks. As his eyes meet my father's, the color drains from his face, eyes bulging.

I turn back to my father, who's now looking back at me, arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently. "How did you get here?" I ask, completely taken aback. "How did you know where we were? And--"

"It doesn't matter; I'm here to take you home," my father interrupts, no emotion in his words, or in his expression.

I shake my head, his words snapping me out of my trance. "Dad, I'm not coming back. I'm completely fine here with Ni--and actually, we were just leaving," I snap, taking Niall's hand in mine. I try pulling Niall along, but he doesn't move.

My father, seeing I couldn't escape, stepped into Niall's flat, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk," he says flatly. I sigh, knowing there's no way around this. I let go of Niall's hand and sit down on one of the couches, my father taking a seat on one across from me. As he sits down and looks back at me, I notice his eyes are a darker shade of emerald green...this can't be good.

I glance down at my hands...I sure as hell don't want to meet my father's eyes.

"You haven't called us since you left," my father says, a hint of anger apparent in his tone. "And you told us you'd call every day; you're not doing what you promised for us. You--"

"I've been busy," I spit back, getting pissed off quickly. "You two are overreacting, as you always do. I'm halfway across the world, and you two are still treating me like a child," I tell him as I meet his gaze.

"Listen to me--"

"No, you listen to me," I growl. "I am not coming home. You never listen to anything I have to say, and I'm sick of it!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air out of frustration. "I'm done. Now you need to leave," I say, pointing to the door.

He chuckles. "You're threatening to kick your own father out that flew halfway across the world to see you?" His smile fades. "I actually stood up for you against your mother. I supported your decision--until you went back on your word. Plus, the paparazzi is stalking our house, trying to ask us questions about your relationship," he sighs, motioning between Niall and I.

"Dad, I'm sorry, but--"

He puts his hand up, signaling for me to stop talking. "It's too late for that," he exhales. "I didn't think I'd actually go through with this," he starts, but pauses. I raise a brow and open my mouth to ask what he's talking about, but he continues. "You need to move out...and find a way to pay for college on your own."


Oh, NOW I'm fucking pissed off.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I scoff, my voice growing louder with each word.

"Don't you dare curse at m--"

"Get out," Niall snarls, pointing to his front door. My father stands up off the couch and begins walking towards Niall; seeing this, I spring up and step in front of my father, separating the two. Niall takes another step towards my father, but I reach my arm out, placing my palm against his chest.

"You think you can--" Before my father could finish, security was knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Niall hollers. Three men in black pants and black long sleeve shirts came barging in and took a hold of my father by his arms.

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