Chapter 12: New

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I wake up and look around the room. It's pitch black, so I'm guessing it's pretty early in the morning. I feel something weighing me down...Niall's arm around me. I wiggle out of his embrace as carefully as possible, trying not to wake him. I watch him carefully; his eyes flutter, but he rolls back to the other side.

I roll out of bed and turn my phone on to see it's 5 AM. My phone begins vibrating nonstop on the counter, so I snatch it off the table. I look down to see I have 20 missed calls and 10 texts, all from my parents...great.

I go into the alarm clock app on my phone to see Niall set it for 6. This is perfect; I have an hour to make him breakfast. But does he like pancakes too? I go into Safari and search, "What does Niall Horan like to eat for breakfast?" He has such a widespread fan base that I guarantee I can find the answer somewhere. I found that he'll eat anything for breakfast, so I decide to make him waffles, bacon and scrambled eggs.

As I step back and look at the plate of food I've made for Niall, I'm quite proud of myself. I don't cook much, but this food looks amazing. I set the plate down in front of one of the stools and stroll into the bedroom.

I debated whether I should wake him up sweetly or by jumping on the bed. I still haven't paid him back for the stunt yesterday morning, so I launch myself onto him.

His eyes fly open. "What the hell?" He yells. I laugh uncontrollably as he stares back at me, eyes wide.

"Payback for yesterday," I say in between laughs.

He grins back at me and pushes me off him. He climbs out of bed and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hey," I scream, hitting his back. "Is this how you treat a girl that just made you breakfast?"

He immediately sets me down onto the floor and races out of the room into the kitchen.

"Gee, thanks," I huff, following after him. By the time I reach the kitchen, he's already stuffing his face.

"I'm sorry," he says, mouth full. "You should know I'm obsessed with food."

I giggle as I make myself a plate and sit down in the stool next to him. "You're welcome," I tease, grinning.

"But really, thank you, Brooke." He pauses to lean over and peck my cheek, then continues inhaling the plate.

Just as I finish eating and set my plate in the dishwasher, there's a knock at the door. I look over to Niall, who shrugs, so I decide to answer it.

I open the door to see Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn looking back at me. They don't even say anything; they walk past me into the kitchen.

"Nice to see you guys too," I groan.

"Hey, we smelled food," Louis says cheerfully.

I roll my eyes. The boys help themselves to the food left over and sit around Niall. They begin talking about the tour, so I decide it's the perfect time for me to get ready.

I take a shower and blow dry my hair straight today. I don't know where we're flying to today, so I decide to wear a tank top and denim shorts in case it's hot, and stuff a sweatshirt in my bag if we're going somewhere cold. Niall refused to tell me, saying, "it's a surprise."

When I walk out of the bathroom, I'm surprised to see Niall staring back at me, dressed and ready to go. Everything's packed.

I look at him, face twisted in confusion. "Where are the boys? How are you ready already? Did you pack my stuff?"

He chuckles. "The boys went back to get ready and I got ready in Harry's room, since I knew you'd be in the bathroom for a while. I packed your stuff for you, if that's okay."

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