Chapter 17: Changes

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I walked off the stage in a daze. Did Niall really just announce that we're officially a couple?

Just thinking about him now gave me butterflies. We haven't known each other long, but we spend nearly every second of the day with each other. And because we spend so much time together, things were progressing much quicker than in any other "normal" relationship. And I'm falling for him fast.

And hard.

...Or are these feelings typical? I've never been in a relationship for this long before, so all of this is pretty new to me (I broke up with my 6th grade boyfriend within a few hours..pathetic, I know).

I shake the thoughts from my head as I walk backstage. I hear a familiar voice call my name and turn around.

"Christine!" I scream, running towards her. "I missed you so much!"

She laughs as she pulls away from our embrace. "I missed you too, girl! And what'd I tell you? I knew there was something happening between you two," she says happily as she winks at me.

"Yes, you were right," I tell her. "I thought I wouldn't be seeing you until we were back in the U.S?"

"You weren't, but I decided to surprise the boys. I'll be going with them everywhere from now on!" She smiles cheerfully.

"Are you serious?" I nearly shout. "That's great, Christine!"

She giggles. "I know! But anyways, I can't believe you two have gone public!"

"Me neither," I snort. "That wasn't a part of the plan up there!"

"What do you mean?" She asks, her face twisted in confusion.

"Well, Niall was only supposed to tell everyone that we're 'interested in each other' at the interview, not put a label on us! What happened on stage was not supposed to happen," I sigh.

Her lips curl up into a smirk. "That means he really likes you, Brooke."

I nudge her shoulder, feeling my cheeks turn crimson red from embarrassment. "Can we please stop talking about this?"

She laughs. "Ugh, fine. I haven't seen you in so long! So what's new besides you two becoming official?"

I exhale loudly making sure she takes notice. Christine just has to keep going on about us always.

"Nothing, really. Just been traveling around Europe with the boys and exploring the cities. Oh! And before I forget, I want to let you know that I'm graduating Saturday and that I'd love for you to come. The boys are coming; you should fly back with us!"

She smiles from ear to ear. "I would love to, Brooke! Thanks so much for the invite," she says as she hugs me. "Hey, I've gotta go take care of something. I'll see you at the concert on Friday, okay?"

I nod. "Of course. It was so nice seeing you; bye, Christine!" I wave as she walks away.

Since I'm not familiar with this stadium, I decide to go back to my front row seat.

As I return to my chair, one of the girls standing next to me turns her nose up at me. Is something on my face or...?

"What would Niall want with someone like you?" She asks, her face showing a look of disgust.

I look over to her and nearly throw up my pizza from earlier. This girl has bright blonde--pretty much white hair. She's wearing a white crop top and jean shorts that barely cover her ass. She has way too much black eyeliner surrounding her blue eyes and her eyelashes are clumped together.

"Excuse me?" I snort.

"You heard me," she spits back, a smirk playing on her lips.

"It's none of your damn business," I snarl.

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