Chapter 1 - 3

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My tears are rolls down because of the flash back. I snapped. I couldn't help myself so I punch Sia's face hard enough that it make her nose bleed. The punch caused her to drop the knife before it hit Zake. I was about to kick her but Zake held me back. Sia touches the blood running down from her nose then she laughs like a maniac. She stands up like nothing happened and grabs the knife from the ground. Blood falls and hits the floor. She starts talking "You shouldn't have done that..." She swings at me as I duck down to dodge the knife. "You will regret ever messing with ME! You know.. I'm helping you out. You can finally go see your pathetic friend in hell! What was her name again? What was it... Forget it who car-" I get out of Zake's grasp as anger takes over me and I tackle Sia to the ground. "No one cares?! I do! Have you ever thought what you did! You KILLED. HER." I shout at her without thinking. "How could I have possibly killed her?! She probably have swam back up!" I growl and grab her collar "Listen here women. SHE doesn't know how to swim. SHE DIDN'T knew how to swim. WHY?! Do you think that she didn't come back after all these years?! Who's the idiot now?!" When I was done shouting at her I punched her face continuously.

I punched and punched.

I punched her face again and again.

Her nose was bleeding and so was her mouth. A teeth have fallen from her mouth and she had a black eye. Tears were rolling down her face and she was doing something I never knew she would or could do.

Asking. Begging to stop.

She was also crying how I never knew someone like her could actually cry. I stood up about to kick her but once again Zake had held me back. "Let me go! I'm not finished with her! 11 YEARS! 11! I waited Blue to come back! 11 years of anger filling up to her. Losing hope and dreaming for her to come back... She never did...And It's all because of her! Let me at her!" I snapped at Zake forgetting everything. Everyone who was around me. "Don't you get it? SIA KILLED BLUE!! She killed my best friend! No...She killed my sister." I give a death glare at Sia and Zake. Sia cowering while Zake did nothing but hold me back. I struggled and struggled to get free from Zake's grasp.

"Look at you...Then look at her.... Look at what you're doing...This is wrong and you know that! Open your eyes...Come back to reality. Go past your hatred and anger to see what you're doing.. You'll end up killing HER. You won't be any different from her..."

After what Zake had said it was only then I snapped back to reality. Scared of what I did but I had to check. I looked at my hand. It was covered in blood and sin. I look up to see beaten up Sia. I gasp and looked around me scared. "What have I done?..." I was scared of myself. I wanted to run away. I wanted to hide in a mouse hole. I wanted to be alone and end all of this. So this was the first thing I did. I fell to my knees and grabbed my head.

Voices...They whisper....

'Who are they? Who are you?' I ask to on one in my head.

Everything that isn't in my head gets blocked out it's muted all I hear are voices in my head... They won't leave me alone....

They answer...


I could also say..... I'm YOU

You're lying...That's not true..

I don't want this...

Tears runs down. I scream. I grab my head harder.

Someone help me...

I ask for help...But no one came...

The voices chat....But no one came..

But no one came...

But no one came...

But no one came...

It's getting quiet...I wonder why?


They screamed at me as laughter echoes out. Help someone! Anyone!

I think I'm losing my mind now..I think I'm stuck in my own mind...


Help...I cry out hoping somebody can hear me not knowing it was all just in my head. "W**e u*! *ey! W*ke up!" I faintly hear someone call out for me. It sound familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

Light flashes into the view and so does Zake's face. Oh yea... The voice belonged to Zake..How could I forget?

When I come back to reality I look to my side to see Ani. "Ani?" I ask. No response. Is she sleeping? I wonder but of course... Why would she be? Then it hit me.

The knife. Sia. Ani. Zake. Fight. Death. Memory.

"Holy dead looking alive friend on knuckle bed!" I grab Zake and pull him to Ani. I tried to carry Ani who was currently unconscious. "Help me!" I yell at Zake. In a blink Zake and Unol was helping me carry Ani. We ran to the nurse's office as fast as we could but the tears that was building up soon made the vision blurry. It slowed us down but soon the tears rolled down. Oh surprise. Surprise as soon as it rolled down new ones formed again.

Twist and turns.

Left and Right.

Left, Right, Left Left, Right...

Trip...Stand....Run...Walk...Check...Turn...and Twist....

After Twist and turns soon we made it to the nurse's office. Nurse Zeya gasped and quickly helped us put Ani on one of the beds. She almost died...


    I have to keep my cool..Ican't snap again. Soon Zake, Laila and Illoy came in. The Nurse asks them a fewquestions."Hey guys I'm just going to get some fresh air okay? If anythinghappen stay here I'll come back sooner or later." They nodded "Comeback soon! Don't get in to trouble while we are not around." I soon leftnot caring much about the conversation that they started to have. It wassomething about...I don't know.. I followed my train of thoughts until I hit awall. "Ouch!" How clumsy of me..I should go back... I think I had mytime besides I don't want to hit my head on the wall ago.

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