Chapter 2 - 4

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Oh I wonder who could it be....Of course! It was one and only Zake.. In the middle of the night. "Hey Azulia! And Laila? Why is she here?" Zake asks confused. "Rude!" Laila crosses her arm and pouts. "You're so childish. Anyways she's sleeping over." Zake nods after I answer his question. "But the real question is why are you here?" Laila asks annoyed. "Oh! Since there's no school tomorrow I was going to ask you guys if you want to go to the skate park!" Laila and I look at each other and we say yes at the same time. "Alright then! Tomorrow at half past 1 okay?" We nod and Zake runs back to his house."And he fades away into the darkness of the night." I narrate as I do jazz hands.

Laila laughs while I just chuckle. "I can't wait for tomorrow! It's going to be so fun! All the fails that Zake will make trying to impress people." Laila speaks her mind.


Oh boy...How we were so wrong about tomorrow... Tomorrow Was..Something that you do not want to wait for.

We told jokes and talked about what we liked for a couple hours. Watching movies to pass the time. When we watched horror movies seeing Laila's reaction was hilarious. At some point while talking she passed out on the floor.

I walked out of the room to go to the attic. I go pass through all the trash and go up the stairs. I quietly open the door and walk in. There lied an empty bulletin board. I walk over to it and I grabbed an empty piece of paper from the desk. My eyes glowed with color blue and so did the paper. The picture of Alloy's cracked skull that could have been possibly cracked by a shovel appears. I display it on the bulletin board and grab another empty piece of paper. The same progress happens and the other crack appears. I repeat the progress again and again with different pictures and connect them as much as I can....But...the pieces don't quite fit in together yet.. I need more..

I return to my room and lay down on the floor. I think about the clues again and again until I fall fast asleep...

I didn't have dream. I usually do... About the victim... Or about my father.. I sometimes think that they contact me through my dreams to help me out...This time...It was just an empty void..Nothingness. Darkness surrounded me.


So peaceful....

Well at least it was until...

I wake up from Laila violently shaking me. "Wake up Azulia! Its 12o'clock! We have to get ready!" She shouts at my ears. I push her face away from my ear as I growl. "I'm awake...Jesus Christ....Will you ever shut up?" I open my eyes to see that she's already dressed and cleaned. My back ached a little bit and so did my neck. "What did we sleep on last night...A brick?" I look down to see I'm sitting on the floor. I make and O face. I sigh and walk over to the bathroom. "Don't do anything stupid while I get ready. Got it?" Laila nods and sits on my bed. I walk over to the door that leads to my closet and grab a black tank top, Camouflage cargo pants and a blue hooded vest.

I wash my face then grab a hair tie from the side.I tie my hair into a high pony tail. I change my clothes and walk out of thebathroom- to be met with Laila tied up with yarns. "What did I say aboutdoing things stupid while I get ready?" "Ummm...Not to?" She givesme an innocent smile. I sigh face palming.     

I quickly get her free from the yarns. "Stay here." I tell and leave to the front door to grab the roller skates. I grab a pair of roller skate and a pair of boots the that goes up to my knee. I return back to my room and give the roller skate to her.

We left through the window and it was quarter past 1. Laila puts the roller skate on and I wear my boots. Laila seemed confused until I pressed a button on the side. Wheels popped out from the bottom of the boots and Laila jumps a bit. We start skating towards the skate park and we see Unol. Laila immediately skates over to him and calls him dad. Zake was already showing off tricks using his skate board. I skate over to the ramp and follow Zake as I do tricks. "I'm not going to lose to ya!" I shout out to Zake as he smirks. Oh how I wanted to wash that devilish smirk of his. "We'll see about that!" He shouts back. We start showing off more tricks as it gets a lot more dangerous and of course who could miss out on this epic battle of showing off tricks? We gain a lot more attention as people start making bets on us. Zake was doing his so called "Special Move" but a 2 gunshots was heard nearby. Zake gets distracted and fails his attempt. What's worse is- yea Zake failing his special move is one of the worst thing that could happen I know right? You must be thinking what could possibly be worse than that? If not then oh well.

Zake's skateboard broke in half because of the impact but that's not all there was a bullet hole on his skateboard as well. Soon he fell from the air which caused him to break his left arm and his left leg. His skull probably got a huge crack and a lot of blood was dripping from his head making a huge puddle under him in a matter of seconds. Now if you think that's all...Oh boy you are wrong! He had a shot on his stomach as well! Surprise surprise! No one saw this coming. The so called king of skateboard has fallen and has taken a very serious injury. He is currently unconscious so I took my vest off and ripped it so I could put pressure on his head and his stomach. I look up over to the clock and it was 5minutes past 2.

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