Chapter 2 - 2

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It seems I forgot something and I became stuck with my own thoughts.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were a detective? You don't trust like you say you do don't you? You're just hanging out with us out of pure pity. If not tell us why you didn't tell us Azulia. Were you lying to us the entire time?" This time Unol asks instead of Zake.

I take a deep breath as I get the words together in my head so I wouldn't make a mistake. ".....I...." I have the words in my head but nothing comes out I try to talk but I fail.

I forget what I wanted to say so I say whatever that's comes out of my mouth. Sometimes I wish I didn't know how to talk so I don't make mistakes of what I actually meant.

"I.. I-I had to keep it a secret... I had to keep it a secret...Even from my closest friends..." I answer stuttering a little bit. Now that I replayed what I just said in my head it sounds like a lie...I failed to tell them what I really meant and made it sound like a lie.

"Why?! Why did you have to keep it from us?! Do you not trust us?!" Zake shouted while Laila tried to calm him down.

I look down in shame as tears threatens to calm down. One of the things I hated the most is when my friends misunderstand me and start hating me and from time to time because of that I have to lie to get their trust but I don't like it...I don't like my mind nor my mouth and sometimes I just want to stitch up my mouth so I would stop talking. Right this moment is exactly what I mean the times I want to stitch my mouth up. I mean I am in a hospital so I could probably do just that but they probably won't allow it.

"I'm not suppose to tell you but...I guess there is no point of hiding it..." I tell them weakly. I grabbed a chair and sat down. They look at me "I guess it's story time."

"Don't leave anything out." Jeez I never knew Unol could be so...scary? I mean he is one of the nicest person in know so yea... "Alright so where should I start...Hmm.. Ah! I know! Listen closely because I'm only telling you this once." Laila sat on Illoy's lap and Illoy blushes. How cute!

"This is the tale of Detective Azulia Lazuli." I had a flashback of my entire life fitting the pieces together into a story. I smile at the thought of Blue and I playing together. Tears run down as I wipe it off.

"I was...Well....Innocent and happy back then...Like everyone else. So innocent that I would let a homeless guy into my house or go into the forest and feed the animals... That's exactly what I did.. What we did. Blue and I were like sisters. So similar and so alike nothing could break us apart. When I was sad she would cheer me up and when I'm angry she would calm me down. I would do anything for her like she would do anything for me... Even if it means our life we would protect each other....But...I failed to protect her..And she died...

She was the closest person I ever had. We would sneak out and sleep in our secret place.. Until that one fateful day I couldn't protect her like she did to me... Sia pushed her off the cliff I tried to grab her hand and when I failed to do so I jumped...Because I knew she would do the same to me...Blue she....No my hand slipped from her hand and I couldn't grab her hand again.. She died because of me.

I hated Sia from then on. I locked myself in my room and left the house for a day from time to time. My mother was busy working as an emergency call operator and well...My dad was a detective like I am now but he was hit by a car the same way the victims did. Victims that were killed by the killer that my dad was suppose to catch. I was so alone.

I became Violet and cruel when I became 9 years old. That's where everything became twisted. A mistake that can never be fixed. Something I should have never done.

Something I didn't know I could do.

I held a knife...A sharp kitchen knife that could cut through meat easily...I held it in my hands... Anger took over me...How I had that knife? No clue everything was black and red spots appeared. Voices they echoed through my head. I couldn't see anything.... Like a while ago when they told me that nobody came when I called for help... Sorry... Back to the story.

When my vision returned I was in an alley way with a man covered in wounds and blood of his own. He didn't die yet but I came back before I killed him. I ran scared of everything and anything. I ran and ran. I dropped the knife while I was running and soon I was back at the secret place that Blue and I have found where...Blue died.. I talked to Blue who... Wasn't really there with me.

Alright it seems you guys are not interested since I think I told you guys about Blue a lot. Let see... About 2 years later the cops found me and I was brought into the prison for kids. I didn't mind except for the fact that I wouldn't be able to go back to the secret place.

I met a female officer named Tamara who was very nice. She took care of me and talked to me every time she could. She told me about her friends Matilda and Ell who she lived with. Sometimes they came to visit Tamara and I. Believe it or not Tamara and I became friends so I told her about my life but I didn't tell her about my secret place.

Here's the thing every prison is possible to break out one way or another. Accidentally I found something that I shouldn't have found and I was happy to see it. A small hole big enough for me to go through. The hole lead to the forest right outside the prison. I left a note for Tamara that I would come back. After that I left. You could guess where I left to but you probably already know and if you don't I don't want you too. I went to the secret place to talk to Blue. I stayed there for hours and hours. The sun was setting so I had to say good bye." Zake butt in. "Get to the point-"I cut him off. "Shhhh. Sh. Sh. Shhhh. Shush my child we are getting there." Laila giggles and I smile at her."Anyways where was I?" I ask no one but Laila still answers."Somewhere about you running away?" She answers like it wasn't an answer but a question. "Oh! right thank you." Laila giggles. She was always full of giggles.

"When I said my goodbye and returned Tamara hugged me and started hitting me with thousands of questions not literally metaphorically. She brought me to a room with 3 chairs and a table. She was glad I was back but said there was a visitor. A special visitor. Someone who could free me if I accept their offer. She sat down and told me that this was important for me so I listened to her carefully. She said she was staying by my side so I felt at peace.

A guy in a suit came in and sat next to Tamara. Honestly he was quiet scary but he had them glasses. Them swag glasses. Ok jokes aside he was an agent from the government which surprised me. Why would he come visit me? I asked why he wanted to see me and this was his reply. I want to make a deal with you." I made a short stop and drank a cup of water. "Deal? What kind of deal?" Illoy asks. I sigh.

"Shush my child I just needed to drink a cup of water. So he wanted to make a deal with me. The deal was this. I become a detective and work for the government while not killing anyone because apparently the guy that "I" attacked passed away due to lose of blood. Sad I know right? Anyways my part of the deal was that I would be free and be taken care of also that kill won't go on my record. I added one more thing in there. That Tamara will be paid double. Tamara of course said no but I insisted. The deal was made but what I didn't know was the unspoken part of the deal. It was in the contract but I didn't bother to read it...It was a big mistake...That day was the day I sold my soul for my friends double payment and to go to hell A.K.A school. Doh if I didn't I wouldn't have met you guys." They smile and I return that smile.

"W-what was t-the un-unspoken part o-of the deal?"Ani asks stuttering. I look at her giving the seriously? Face. Ani makes an O sound realizing that it is unspoken. I sigh."Even if it wasn't unspoken I still wouldn't have told you guys..." They all look at me with a why? face. "Well...I don't want you to worry about me and I know if I tell the unspoken part of the deal Zake would go crazy and beat down some of the government agents with his skateboard while shouting and cursing...So...yea" Zake raises and eyebrow. Laila laughs at the sight.

"So what happens next?" Unol asks me."It seems you are quite curious my child. Hmmm yes...Yes you arechild." I say with an accent as I rub my chin. I don't know why I did but Idid. "You can just search it up on Google and it will show the rest.""You solved a case in 2-!!" Zake was shouting until Illoy covered hismouth shushing him. "You must be looking at 'The double suicide murder'case." I smile. "It was easy due to how poorly the crime was done. Wewere lucky to catch him before he killed himself. He is currently in an asylum taken care of." I tell them hoping theywouldn't be so into it. 

Oh how wrong I was they were into it so fast.

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