Chapter 1 - 5

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Knowing I will be brought back here I decided to write down quick notes for later. My hands were shaky because of my friends death so the hand writing was bad but I didn't care I just wanted to get this over with.


Profile Of The Victim: Alloy Lina Age 17years old.

Family Able To Contact: Twin brother Illoy Lina

Setting : Nearby Nolian International High School 1:27pm Monday June 21st 2027


Shoot by possible revolver/simple pistol/9mm on left arm, right leg and on the stomach.

stabbed by possible kitchen/butcher/pocket knife /dagger on the right arm and a stab on the stomach

A possible cut by poisoned blade

No weapons nearby, No witness, But the commotion of screams and gun shots has gotten attention of the bystanders

The Slice across her stomach seems that the murderer tried to take her guts out. No sign of trying to hide corpse.

No footprint Not much evidence

Further Notice soon....

When I was done writing I quickly walked away and went to the nurse's office. My hands was shaking and I had bruises all over my body. It hurts but I care about my friends more than myself so I didn't care. I open the door to see everyone sitting or leaning on the wall. I tried to speak but it seems the words were stuck in my throat so I shut my mouth and said nothing. The sirens were heard that meant the police was here. I looked down not wanting to tell them what happened.

Silence filled the room...

The tension has thickened and it seems like the time has froze. By this point the tension was so thick that you can cut it with a knife... A bloody knife....


Someone finally broke the silence and it feels like hours has passed by already. I look up to see everyone staring at me worriedly as if I was dying.

"What happened?" Zake asked. The voice that broke the tension belonged to Zake. I wonder...How did I not notice that it belong to him?

"What. Happened." He asks once again but this time demanding and serious instead of asking. The once playful voice that belonged to Zake has turned serious. I keep it quiet as tears form. I look back down not wanting them to know.

"W-Who..." Ani spoke shaking from both pain and fear. Her shaking voice clearly showed that she wanted to know yet scared to know who died... Tears fell down from my eyes "I'm sorry...I was too late.." I mumbled... They looked at me with concern as I drop down to the floor as I cry my eyes out. Zake rushes over to me and pets me on my back to calm me down. I put my hands in my face to cry into it. I repeat the words 'I'm sorry...I didn't make it in time...'

Zake shushes me then whispers. "Shhh...It's fine we are here...Don't cry..Tell me who was it?" This triggered the flashback I had back then when I saw a hallucination of Blue. I just couldn't keep it to myself. They were going to find out sooner or later so I whispered to Zake. "I'm sorry...Alloy..I couldn't..I-If I had gone sooner. I would have.." Zake shushes me once again surprised as tears rolls down from his eyes and hugs me. "It..It will be fine..The police will catch the murderer..." Zake once again tries to calm me down but he fails as I shake my head from side to side as in no knowing I would be distracted by my friends death. "Even if it takes a long time they will catch them..." Zake reassures me. He reminded me of Blue so much... I take a deep breath.


That was all I could get out... I waited for a reaction from Illoy knowing something will happen. They were twins after all.


Illoy slides to the ground using the wall hitting a shelf in the process. He was clearly terrified that his sister was gone..forever...I knew how he felt...After all I lost Blue..She was like a sister to me.... "I'm-"


I was about to say sorry but someone calling my phone cut me off. I wondered who would call me at this moment. I check the caller and it was the police department. They knew they weren't allowed to call me while I'm in school but this was an exception. "I-I have to go...sorry.." I stutter as I walk out the door. I answer the call and start walking down the halls to the crime scene. I knew what they wanted and I knew where they needed me so all I said was..

"I'm coming."

As soon as I said that I ended the call and quickened my pace. Here we go again..

Twist and turns.

Left then Right.

Left, Right, Left Left, Right...

Trip...Stand....Run...Walk...Check...Turn...and Twist....

Soon I was there and so were the police. I walk up to them showing no emotion and no sign that I cried. They moved out of the way and I make it to the crime scene. Emotions hit me once again as I smell the thick red substance called blood. Memories of Alloy fills my head. Different emotions attacking me as tears are threatening to roll down.


I knew who shouted that name and I always recognize it no matter what. His voice was cracking and is was shaky. He must have been screaming, shouting, and crying. If you didn't guess who it was by this point it was Illoy. The twin brother of Alloy.

The 2 policemen has stopped Illoy from crossing the police line. I sighed as I walked over to them and told them it was the victims twin brother. They nodded as they step aside to let Illoy walk to his now dead sister. He took a glance at the body and fell to his knees. Tears rolled down as he cries. It made me feel devastated seeing one of my friends sad or cry and one of my other friend is dead...On the ground...Right before my eyes. I walked up to Illoy and put my hand on his shoulder as tears once again threatens to come down. "How..How are you associated with the police?" He asks me with venom in his voice. "Well...I-I umm.." I stutter trying to find a good lie. "No lies. No excuses. I want the truth. Now." Illoy demanded. He never demanded. He went right through me with his words. After all he just lost his sister so I don't want to upset him anymore than he already is. I had to tell the truth and honestly if I didn't he looked like he would kill me. "Well I... There is no getting out of this one is there?" I ask him already knowing the answer. He move his side to side as in no.

"I figured...Alright. I may and may not have been a detective for the past 3 years?" I tell him sounding more like a question. "That sounded more like a question then an answer!" Illoy has just spoke my mind. I brushed off the fact that Illoy just read my mind. "Hey Illoy I-" I was cut off by Alloy weakly clutching Illoy's hand trying to talk.

I couldn't believe it! She's alive!

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