Chapter 14: Denial

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"Leave me alone." I marched across the front lawn.

Titus jogged after me. "Can you just listen?"

"No." I increased my pace. "I want to be alone."

"Aden, stop." He snatched my wrist. "Wait."

I pushed him back but he didn't let go. "I don't know what is going on with you, but something isn't right. You can't lose it like that and hit someone."

"He hit you?"

"You're such an ass," I stated plainly. "This is different."

Titus grabbed my upper arms. "Aden, wait a second." His veins budged under his skin. "Please, I'll explain but you have to hear me out."

I shook my head. "No. T—this isn't going to work. I've decided, and I can't do it."

Yanking my arms free, I hurried down the driveway. Titus didn't follow. Keeping my head lowered, I walked along the road. Blood was splattered on my shirt. I'd never be able to explain this to my mom. I was going to have to get rid of it without her finding out.

A black car was coming up behind me. I moved to the side. It slowed and drove along beside me. The window rolled down.

"Aden, please."

"No," I muttered. "Go away."

"Aden, get in. I'll take you home."

"I'll walk. Besides, you're drunk."

"I'm fine. Get in the car."


"Don't be stupid. It's like four miles to your house."

"I've done it before!" I snapped. "So leave me alone."

The car zipped in front of me and stopped. I walked around it as Titus stepped out. He ran over and stood in my way. "You're being ridiculous."

"No, you are." I shoved him. "You only came to the party to piss off Chris. You've never liked him. Did you forget what high school is like? One word and everyone will stop talking to me."

"So that's the real reason you're friends with him. I thought he was using you, but it sounds like it goes both ways."

"Yet again, you are an asshole." I stepped past him.

"I'm not done talking to you." Titus yanked me back. "That guy is an idiot. When are you going to figure that out?" He tried to touch my face, but I jerked away from his hand.

"Chris is my friend. Well, he was my friend, but after tonight who knows if he'll even talk to me again."

"Why does it matter?"

I wanted to rip out my hair. He was so infuriating.

"Because it does, so leave me alone!"

"You let him do whatever the hell he wants. He treats you like shit and all you care about is if you're still friends. What is so great about him?"

"I'm not dealing with you right now." I pried at his fingers.

"Do you like him?"

I froze. "What?"

"Do you have a crush on him?"

"I'm not gay." I clenched my fists and struggled to get free.

"Oh, I think you are." He released me. "You're as gay as it gets."

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