Chapter 20: I enjoyed that

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This chapter is dedicated to @nyakiitaylor...


Chapter 20: I enjoyed that

The hooting of Tristan's Mustang sends me flying down the stairs but I'm stopped in my tracks by my father.

"Leaving without a goodbye?" He raises his eyebrow and a smirk plays at his lips.

"Bye Daddy!" I give him a bear hug and he returns it with more effort than I put in, causing my pelvis to let out a cracking sound. I miss my dad so much.

I know he's right in front of me, but I hardly see him.

Tristan hoots the car impatiently again and I pull out from the warm embrace.

"Gotta go Pops!" I fly to the door. I'm really excited. Today is the first day that I'll be riding Tristan's baby and I can't wait to rev that engine.

"Bye Pumpkin. Great your your boyfriend for me!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" I say before shutting the door behind me. Ahead of me, awaits, Tristan's Mustang, waiting to be ridden by a true master.

That's me.

Tristan isn't moving from the drivers seat and I frown.

"Move Tristan," I whine and pout my lips.


Without saying anything, I walk up to the drivers side and open the door. I throw my bag in the backseat and plomp myself down on Tristan's lap.

Awkward I know. I can't control the inevitable shivers that race through my body. Tristan's body in contact with mine makes my mind stop functioning. I concentrate on the touch but quickly shake off the thoughts. "Move," I shout at him. "A deal is a deal."

Tristan shakes his head at my immaturity and grabs me by the waist, his fingers brushing against my bare skin under my shirt that moved up at the movement.

His fingers are warm and I wish they could stay there and continue to rub circles along--

Ugh, I hate the effect he has on me.

"I enjoy this too," his breath fans my ear and I can help but melt at the close distance between us. He hoists me up without effort and sets me down next to the car. He also gets up from his seat and walks over to the passenger side.

Is it bad that I miss his body heat?

"So are you going to get in or not?" A smirk plays at his lips. His words pull me out of my reverie of thoughts and a blush spreads rapidly across my cheeks as I notice that he knows the effect he has on me.

I quickly slide into the driver's seat and close the door. I insert the key into the ignition, twist it  and the car immediately roars to life. It's roaring engine is like music to my ears and I relax into the sound as I rev it.

"Be careful with my baby," Tristan speaks over the load engine.

"I thought I was your only baby," I pout playfully and I swear I notice his cheeks go red. Awww, I made Tristan blush.

"You look cute when you blush," I laugh. How does it feel like now?

"I don't blush," he rolls his eyes.


"Would you go already? We're gonna be late. We only have five minutes to get to school." He changes the topic but I let it slide.

"Fine. We'll be there in a minute," I roll my eyes and I pull into the road. The car glides on the road with ease and all I feel is pure bliss. It feels awesome to be in control.

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