Chapter 48: Hair and make up

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Chapter 48: Hair and make up

"Finally! We're done." Peyton sighs, throwing her butt comfortably on my bed.

"I'm still mad at you. You guys know I hate make up!" I groan, dramatically folding my arms across my chest.

"Well, you snooze you loose." Kaitlyn's pink glossed lips grow into a proud grin.

"You tied me to my chair!" I argue.

You must be confused. Let me rewind for you, just so that you see how my best friends behave in order to force their own friend to do something she doesn't want to.

2 hours ago...

After finally travelling the building called a mall, Kaitlyn officially found a dress she loved. It's a white lace off-shoulder dress, which ends mid thigh and has a trail of buttons at the back, and she paired it with a new pair of beige stilettos.


Deciding to get ready at the Wilder's mansion, we hop into Peyton's car and pull out of the mall's parking lot. Cheap Thrills, by Sia, pops on the radio, filling in the empty spaces around us.

"... Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on. It's Friday night and I won't belong. 'Til I hit the dance fl--"

"Nice voice, Hailey." Peyton interrupts my singing.


"Where did you learn how to sing like that?" Kaitlyn questions with her eyes concentrated on her newly manicured finger nails.

"Uh... my talent taught me I guess?" I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what to say.

"Sarcasm isn't needed, Hailey." I notice Peyton's eye roll in the rear mirror.

"It's not my fault she asked a rhetorical question."

"You're unbelievable." Another eye roll.

"And you're believable." A silly grin captures my face.

"I'm not going to comment." Kaitlyn speaks up.

"But you just did." I give her a goofy wink, followed by a point of both my index fingers and thumbs pointed up.

I just pulled a Tristan!

I can't believe I said that.

"But we can." Kaitlyn laughs at me.

Did I say that out loud?


"Go poop."

"You're childish, you know that?"

"Nope. I'm childful."

"I give up."


After ten more minutes of sharing the latest gossip travelling around school, we arrive at the mansion.

About two more weeks and I'll be going home.

Cue fake tear drop.

"This house is enormous." Peyton gawks in awe at the mansion before us.

"You're lucky you live here." Kaitlyn says to me.

"Yeah, right. Remember that I live with an idiot." I roll my hazel eyes.

"That idiot is also your boyfriend." Peyton parks the car close to the entrance.

"Well, technically, he never really asked me out." I want to say, but I end up saying, "I guess I'm the idiot for dating the idiot." And they both throw eye rolls at me. I think we've been rolling our eyes too much today.

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