Chapter 29: If going to the mall involves free food and the arcade then, yes

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Chapter 29: If going to the mall involves free food and the arcade then, yes

Hailey's POV

I walk through the hallways and I can't help but over hear the loud whispers of the people around me. Must be the weekly gossip.

"Tristan and Nicole," a girl says.

I freeze. Tristan and Nicole? What about them?

I push back my curious thoughts and continue walking to my locker, but with every step, I can't help but wonder what were those girls talking about. I reach the metal box, and I open it to take out my math books for first period.

"Can I talk to you?" I look up to see Jordan standing next to me.

"Okay." I close my locker and follow Jordan into an empty classroom. The classroom has never been used as far as I know and dust particles layer the old furniture littering the room.

"What's wrong?" I sense some nervousness in his eyes and he's kind of shaking.

"I need to tell you something," he says.

"Okay? Tell me." I become more curious. What if he has a serious problem? What if something's wrong with him...or Tristan?

"I like you." He blurts out, a shy smile playing on his lips and his hand is scratching the back of his neck.

"I like you too," I smile back. I thought he knew already. I mean, don't friends like each other?

"No, I mean really really like you," he says.

Oh. Yep, he something's definitely wrong with his brain.

I'm at a loss for words. My brain seems to be unable to generate a proper sentence right now. His words have taken me aback.

"Say something." He breaks the thick silence around us.

"I'm sorry, I'm just-- stunned," I manage to say.

He steps closer to where I'm standing and cups my cheek in his hand.

"I really like you, Hailey, ever since I met you," he leans in but I stop him by resting my palm on his chest.

"I can't," I sigh.

"I get it," he turns around and takes a few steps in the opposite direction. "You like someone else."

"Yes." I admit.

"Who? Is it Tristan?" Anger flashes in his grey orbs.

"Yes." I sigh. He has probably noticed, although I'm not the easily read type of person.

"I should've known. He always gets the girls," he lets out a humorless laugh.

"I'm sorry," I have nothing to say, but I mean my words. Maybe I gave him signs that seemed to make him think that I have an interest in him, causing him to like me as well.

But I don't know.

"It's cool," he sighs in defeat and heads for the door. He comes to an abrupt stop before exiting the class, "Hailey?" I look up to meet his eyes. "Your secret's safe with me." He sends me a slight sad smile and walks out.

Well, things just turned awkward.


"Ready for the show tonight?" Kaitlyn asks Chase, but he gives her scowl.

The 'big' play that everyone has been waiting for, is tonight. Everyone is exhilarated, they have a sudden burst of energy that seems to baffle them because they don't know how to use it. They are like monkeys with a sugar rush. They just can't sit on their butts for more than a second.

I, on the other hand, am not interested. I've never been keen on Romeo and Juliet, even if it means supporting a friend. I might attend, but, the chances are slim.

The worst and most idiotic factor about this whole play is that it's on a Monday. The first day of the week. When everyone has no energy for school, due to all night parties. They might have energy for tonight, but definitely not for school, and so far all the classes I've been in, not a single learner took interest in what was being taught throughout the lessons.

And then we still have to go to school tomorrow. Great.

"Nope. Especially because my girl isn't my Juliet." Chase pouts, causing Kaitlyn's cheeks to flush.

We all snap our heads at them, waiting for them to elaborate what they are discussing and put us out of our confused misery.

"We are dating," Chase speaks up casually, but Kaitlyn on the other hand, has her head bowed down in embarrassment.

"Yes! I won, so pay up," Peyton cheers, speaking to Luke and we all laugh at her childish behavior.

The bell rings, signalling the end of lunch. I didn't see Tristan today. Strange. I drove my car to school today, considering Tristan didn't show up.

"Do you guys wanna hang out at the mall today?" Peyton asks Kaitlyn and I as we walk to our next classes.

"If going to the mall involves free food and the arcade then, yes," I grin.

"Nope. We'll be doing shopping," Peyton gives me that 'not a chance'  look.

"Okay." Kaitlyn agrees.

"Yay! So we're all going," Peyton's shrill voice causes me to shudder.

Oh boy.

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