01 | Queen of Disaster

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"Anika Reynolds is asked to report at the Principal's cabin right now." I lifted my eyes from my notebook and looked at the clerk. Actually, I was waiting for the call.

I gave a sheepish smile as I collected my things and put them in my bag. Every pair of eyes were staring at me but none of them have shocked expression because I think they lost count on how many times the same scenario happened. To be honest, I think I spend more time in his office than in any one of my classes.

It was for different reasons every time. The first was when I accidentally threw the ball at my opposite teammate. There was one time when I toilet papered Mr.Robert's house who taught us physics with some seniors. There were a few pranks like putting itching powder on a teacher's dress, gifting cockroach to someone and also one time when I put glue on my partner's seat. Another thing which I have received a lot of detention slips were for bunking classes and there is many more of Anika's little troubles.

"You are so screwed," Tessa, my best friend muttered beside me.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the class.

This time it was going to be different because my parents are asked to come and the stunt I pulled is not something I can get away easily. I knocked on Mr. Martin's wooden door and when I heard 'Yes, come in' I pushed it open and entered.

"Morning, Anika." The principal greeted me with a smile. He was a good human being and he looks like a cute teddy bear.

I made myself comfortable in his chair as he went through some documents. "So, tell me what did the poor boy did to deserve to be at the end of your fist?" He asked with an amused smile.

"Poor boy, my foot. He is a bastard who doesn't know the meaning of 'back off'. He asked me out early in the morning when honestly I was in a bad mood," I yelled and Mr. Martin signed me to be silent.

"Last time I checked, it wasn't a crime to ask the girl you like for a date." He chuckled. The old man was a good human being and also did a mistake to approach me once when I was in the detention room. He was there to listen, unlike my parents who are in London.

"More like, he invited me to his bed."I scowled and he kept his hand under the chin as if he was thinking deeply.

"You know what, kid? You should have punched and kicked him," He said and that's why he is the best.

"I would have if not that Barbie doll didn't show up," I told thinking how Ms.Rose had appeared and yelled on top of her voice.

"She is a nice teacher, if you had at least spared to listen to her class then you would know but now it's good that she showed up," He said and checked his phone.

"So why didn't my parents come here today?" I asked even though I knew the answer perfectly.

"They couldn't make it. Your mom has a new project of a wedding and your dad is away on a business trip," He answered and I sighed.

They were never there for me. All that mattered to them was money and fame. Sometimes like any other child, I also craved for their love and care. My dad was okay but it is not his fault that the burden of his family business is on his shoulder because he is the only heir. Then there is my mom, no one will believe that there was a time when she used to braid my hair, tell stories, cook Indian food for me and tell me folktales, argue that Salman Khan is best when I am TeamSRK.

Shahrukh is the best, there is no doubt about it.

My mom, Asha was an Indian who was an ideal daughter to her parents. Then she met my dad James who came to India for business. They met on an occasion and fell in love. There were so many problems but I heard her parents had disowned her and dad took us to New York when I was five years old.

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