06 | Princess in Pajamas

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C H A P T E R  6

"I am surprised that you called me, your highness," Shivaye answered the phone on the second ring. "How did you get my new number?"

"I have my sources," I replied, sticking a note on the door.

I won't be home, sleepover at my friend Tessa's house. I am sorry to skip the family dinner but it is an emergency.

- Anika

"Yeah, I should have known. Why did you call me?" He asked and I could hear music in the background.

"Where are you?" I took my phone and shoved some clothes in my school bag before locking the door.

"I am flying a kite in Tartarus, want to join?" He replied, every word laced with sarcasm.

"This is not a time for jokes, idiot. Listen, come to your room and open the window." I slowly walked to the window making sure that my footsteps didn't make any noise.

"Hey, you aren't my boss," He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I am not your boss but I am a friend who can boss you around."

"Are you sure about the friend's thing?" He chuckled and I stared at his window, the light was on.

"Okay, now open the damn window."

I tied a rope to the frame of my bed and after making sure it will not bail on me at the last minute, I walked to the window and put my left foot out.

"What are you doing, Anika?" Shivaye yelled from the other side and I face-palmed mentally. "Suicide is not a solution, we can talk over this."

I put my finger on my lips signaling him to be silent. My parents will be anytime here with their colleagues and I didn't want to sit with men in suits and women in dresses for hours. I would have stayed at Tessa but it is the time mother nature visited her and her mood swings are worse than a pregnant woman.

I climbed down to the lower roof with the help of the rope and patted myself in appreciation when I did it smoothly. Shivaye's eyes were wide and his fingers were laced together as if he was prayed to god to save me from the trouble. I slowly walked on the edge and climbed onto his window safely.

"Done," I smirked when I stepped into his room.

"Are you crazy? You could have fallen down and died,"

"Do you care?" I asked, removing my sneakers and sitting cross-legged on his bed.

The room was still the same with the beautiful mural on walls and glow in the dark ceiling stars. It brought memories of childhood where we used to build a fort with pillows and cuddle under the blankets as we laid there after watching movies with popcorns on our hair. It was the best time of my life, I was carefree and wild with no expectations to meet and being happy for no reason. But what I didn't know that he was one of the reasons and when he left without a word, he took my happiness for months too.

The blue eyes looked away from me, biting his lower lip in nervous but somehow, he always managed to look handsome.

"I don't care if you are alive or not, I didn't want to get nightmares after seeing your dead body. Please do a favor next time and fall from a cliff or something," Shivaye denied but his cheeks gave him away.

He cared about me.

"I am sorry but I love myself too much that suicide is not even in my mind." I pouted, annoying him.

"Nice pajamas," He smirked, looking at me from head to toe sending a shiver through my spine.

I looked down noticing that I didn't even change it before coming here. I was wearing a shirt with donuts print. It was cute and comfortable but not something to be seen in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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