Chapter 2 - First Impressions

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Hannah Montgomery: 

  If it wasn't obvious enough, I really wasn't looking forward to school today. I mean, teachers are so bossy. Don't do this, don't do that! I bet they don't have lives outside of school. Then there's the other students... It gives me shivers. I shouldn't say anything, because I'm not allowed to use words as bad as that. 

   I hopped off the bus and glanced at the front entrance of the school that read: 

   Ryerson Heights Public High School. 

  Ryerson Heights? What kind of a name is that? I shrugged it off, and went into the school. I got a bunch of strange looks from a group of kids. Boys in blue varsity jackets overtop of their uniforms, and the girls seemed to be having issues with their skirts... 

   The usual reason people would stare at me is because of my hair. Well, most teenage girls don't want to dye their hair funky colours like I do. My hair at the moment is dip-dyed blue, while the top is bleach blonde. I love it. Screw what other people think. 

   I got a chuckle out of one of the girls, who's skirt needed to be rolled down. A lot, "Nice hair." She laughed, sarcastically. 

   "Oh shut up." I huffed, "Nobody gives two shits what you think." 

   I may not know this girl, but when somebody tries to offend me, things get ugly. 

   "Oh is that so? And you are? Goth girl I suppose?" She glanced at my black clothing, and brightly coloured hair. 

  "No, I'm Hannah actually. But I believe your nickname around here would be... Lil' miss slutty?" 

  "Atleast I'm not fat like you." She huffed, obviously running out of come-backs. 

   We'd attracted a croud. Mostly of the popular ones, I suppose. I know I'm not fat, but I decided to slap her across the face anyway. And just my luck, a teacher had caught me. I was dragged to the principal's office and it was only my first day. I had managed to make a new enemy, be sent to the principal's office, and slap a girl all within the first ten minutes of school. Way to leave a first impression. 

   The Principal didn't say much to me, but he did call Uncle Simon. Oh the joy. After the principal had called Uncle Simon, he shoo'd me off to class. Oh what a wonderful day this was going to be. And for the record, that was sarcasm. 

~             ~            ~

  The second I had walked through the front door after school, Uncle Simon was sitting in the living room, waiting for me. I sighed to myself and sat in the chair, across from the couch waiting for him to say something. 

   "You said you wouldn't misbehave." He said, in a calm voice. 

   "I didn't exactly misbehave..." 

   "You slapped a girl!" He exclaimed, totally shocked that I'd even try to get around that. 

   "Well she was pissing me off!" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. 

   "Hannah, when someone pisses you off you can't just physically or verbally abuse them. You were there for not even ten damn minutes and you'd already gotten into a fight!" 

   "It's not my fault! She started it." 

   "I don't care who started it. I can't keep up with this. I have my work to catch up on, and you're not helping with that. Behave at school, or ..." He paused in the middle of his sentence. 

   "Or what?" 

   "You'll see. You've got one more chance, and if you blow it... You will have a consequence." He said, and went upstairs to his room to work. 

   Ooh, I'm so scared!  I laughed to myself. 


~            ~             ~

  Sure enough, I did get into another fight. With the exact same person. I had actually learned her name this time too; Zoey. Zoey the slut. Sounds good to me. 

   She fights like a girl, afraid to break her nails. I would've punched her but a teacher came walking in just as I was about too. She loves One Direction apparently too; she tried using it as an insult towards me saying they'd never love me. Like I actually care! 

   Uncle Simon says he's still working on my punishment. What's he going to do? Pull me out of school? Have someone come and spy on me at school? Ground me? Send me to boarding school? The possibilites are endless. 

   As I lay in bed late that night, I heard my phone go off. 

   Uncle Simon: I'll tell you your punishment tomorrow morning. G'night! xo.

   I roll my eyes and set my phone underneath my pillow. Why me? 



   Simon had just dragged my brother and I to the hospital without telling us why. My brother, Carter, and I were nervous as to what was going on. Simon wouldn't answer either of our questions, but just sat us down in the waiting room. 

  A Doctor soon came out of a room down the hall and glanced at Carter and I. 

  "Miss and Mister Montgomery?" The doctor said, almost choking on his words. 

  "Yes?" We both replied in unison. 

  He glanced towards Uncle Simon, and back at the two of us. My hand was inter-twined with Carter's; we just wanted to know what was happening. 

   "Your parents..." He said, his voice quiet. 

   We waited for the continuing of his sentence. 

   "They ... Did not make it. I'm terribly sorry." 

    I didn't know what to do. I was just told my mum and dad had died, and I had no idea why or how. Carter broke down in tears, as well as I. I sat in his lap, and we cried together. My brother was the only thing I had left... and Simon of course. 

    I whispered so only I could hear... And hopefully mum and dad too, "I'll always love you..." 

~End of Flashback~

   I wiped a slight tear from my eye, and thought back to the last time I had seen my brother. A week after my parents death, I had opened the bathroom door and saw Carter. Hanging there in the shower. My scream was so loud, and high-pitched, I broke down in tears. 

   The one person that made me happy on this planet, took his own life. Nobody knows why, and even I don't either. If only I was able to tell him how much he did for me. But I can't. My family felt the need to just leave me. 

A/N: Votes&Comments would be lovely Please & Thank you! Plus, 42 fans, already?! I'm like, really happy 'bout that. Thanks again to yall who are reading! c:  xx

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